The character building of high school students is an important matter. Which is currently organized by the Christian Student Fellowship (CSF) Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus). The best way to teach morality and Christian paragons can be started with worship, joint prayer, and delivering God's command.

Krista Mitra High School and Kanaan Ungaran Vocational School were the two schools that were lucky to receive worship services from one of the Student Activity Units (SAU) in Udinus. The event, which was held on 8 and 12 December 2023, carried the theme ‘Infinite Love'. Each school presented a different speaker. For instance, SMA Krista Mitra Brought a Young Pastor (pdm.) Famahato Sandroto, along with SMK Kanaan Ungaran presented Stevan Christo. At this event, they were accompanied by the supervisor of CSF UDINUS who is also a lecturer, Dr. Ngurah Pandji Martha Agung Durya, SE, M.Sc.

The Chief Executive of CSF Udinus, Hezekiah Girely Frihayama explained that the 'CSF Goes To School' program was an activity to provide worship services to students in schools. Through this activity, the team from CSF Udinus attempted to assist in building the character of high school students.

“We want to set a Christian example and also inspire students to live with integrity and good morals. We also provide interesting games so that they won't be bored," He explained.

PMK Udinus Goes To School, Bentuk Karakter Siswa SMAK Teladan

112 participants from the two vocational schools participated in the CSF Goes to School event with enthusiasm. Their excitement can be seen from how much they pay close attention to the material as well as their enthusiasm while playing the games. In detail, the total participants consist of 73 participants from Krista Mitra High School students and 52 students from Kanaan Ungaran Vocational School.

Principal of Kanaan Ungaran Vocational School, Drs. Anggung Supramana felt happy with the activities carried out by SAU CSF Udinus. According to Anggung, these activities are very effective in building the character of his vocational students.

“We extend our gratitude toward Udinus for initiating the Goes to School event. We expect that this event will be held again next year. Hopefully, CSF Udinus will pay a visit to other high schools and vocational schools around the Ungaran Region," uttered Anggung. (Udinus Public Relation/Alex. Photo: Doc. CSF Udinus)