The Informatics Engineering Student Association (IESA) of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) provides a forum for high school and vocational school students to hone their skills in the field of technology. The activity is realized through an IT Competition (ITC) and attended by dozens of participants.

This year, the ITC carried the theme ‘Shaping the Digital Future Towards the Golden Age of Technology’ and was held on January 24-25, 2024. The competition from IESA Udinus is attended by dozens of participants. The event also showed the high interest of students related to the competition.

Additionally, there are two types of competitions at ITC, namely quiz contests and web development. In the web development contest, participants are required to create a website according to the theme with their own creativity. Hence, their work will be presented to the judges. This rule is conveyed by the Chief Executive of the 2024 ITC, Muhammad Al Ghorizmi.

"This competition serves as a step for us to improve and explore the abilities of high school students across Indonesia in the field of technology. The students' enthusiasm proves that ITC is a platform to explore the IT world which is developing every day," explained Muhammad Al Ghorizmi.

Team member of the Computer Faculty of Student Affairs at Udinus, Gustina Alfa Trisnapradika, M.Kom., revealed that ITC activities are included as one of the high-level events. Full support was given by the faculty to the student organization, such as giving instructions and some assistance to the committee. He also hopes that the participants in the competition will uphold sportsmanship and be able to hone their skills in the field of technology.

"We are hoping that by participating in this competition, high school students and their equivalents will be able to gain a lot of valuable knowledge. This activity is also a moment for students to participate in introducing the faculty to high schoolers and the general public, "he says.

The competition is available not only for students but there are dozens of other contests for college students and the general public. In total, 36 competitions are opened which will run for more than 2 weeks, starting from January 20 until the upcoming February 5, 2024. High school students who seek additional information about the 2024 Dinusfest activities can browse through the official website on (Udinus Public Relation/Alex. Photo: PR Udinus)