Bullying is a worrying case that needs to be prevented and overcome, particularly among students. To overcome this issue, the undergraduate students of the Communication Science Program at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (UDINUS) encourage students to prevent bullying cases through a campaign called ‘You are More than Valuable'.

The campaign, which is an output of the Public Relations course, lasted for 2 days, namely on December 8, 2023, and December 17, 2023. It took place in the Indonesia Kaya Park and was participated by approximately 50 high schoolers.

The Chief Executive, Maureen Sabrina Christie explained that second-year high school students were picked as the main target of the campaign, due to the issues of bullying is often occurs among teenagers. Therefore, according to her, this campaign is the first step that can be done to reduce the number of cases that happen.

Suarakan Stop Bullying, Mahasiswa Ilkom Udinus Gelar Campaign ‘Kamu Lebih dari Berharga’

Furthermore, she explained that the campaign systematics was carried out by inviting participants to write negative expressions that they felt on origami paper. Hence, the paper was put into a bag that had been prepared by the campaign committee.

“After that, participants were asked to draw their palms on cardboard. Including a motivational statement aimed at themselves. This action is a form of validation of the feelings toward each participant," said Maureen.

During the campaign, students were also collaborating with Radio Swara Dian to raise their call to stop bullying. The collaboration is formed in a podcast with a professional psychologist which is available on Spotify.

"The enthusiasm of participants can be seen from the large number of views, likes, and comments on Instagram and Spotify. Not only that, their enthusiasm is represented through drawn palms on the cardboard as a form of validation that they agree to be more aware of bullying cases, "explained Maureen.

"Hopefully, this campaign can attract public concern about mental health and bullying cases in Indonesia. Which can be started from self-awareness," she concluded. (PR Udinus/Ika. Photo: Doc. Campaign Committee)