The Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering Program of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) held an innovation exhibition of student final project products. The Innovations created by students are certainly related to the health sector.
The exhibition, entitled 'Capstone Design Expo', presents 18 works of creation by students. The activity was held on 20-22 February 2024 and took place on the 2nd floor of the Building I of Udinus. The inaugural event of the Udinus Biomedical Engineering Bachelor Program was officially opened with a ribbon cutting by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering (FE) Udinus, Heru Agus Santoso, Ph.D.
On the sidelines after monitoring the work of students of the Biomedical Engineering Program, the Dean of FE Udinus, Heru Agus Santoso, Ph.D. explained that this exhibition was to provide a platform for students to showcase their final project work.
In addition, innovation from students is expected to have a tremendous impact on the wider community, especially to support health independence. In the future, the exhibition will become a regular activity and can be held more lively. This event also involves other majors in the scope of Engineering Faculty at Udinus.
"We have also collaborated with the Semarang City Health Office (Dinkes) so that the student's creation will continue to be developed. This work of innovations is also an effort for the Engineering Faculty at Udinus to realize Semarang as a Smart City that pays attention to the health sector," said Heru Agus Santoso Ph.D.
Student Innovation in the Field of Healthcare
Innovation from students is an output of capstone design which is the end result of students when studying at college. Students must be able to solve a problem from their initial design until it is implemented in an exhibition of final assignments.
The Head of the Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering Program, Dr. Aripin, M.Kom., explained that in capstone design, students will be facilitated in working on the final project. Since it will be done in groups. These students will create a project on the orders of clients, stakeholders, or prospective users. Furthermore, this project will be carried out by students for two semesters, namely in the seventh and eighth semesters. For the 2020 class, students complete projects on time, which is 4 years.
"During the making process of the final project, students must coordinate firstly with stakeholders related to the needs that must be met. For this exhibition, there are 3 students in one team so in total there are 54 students who participate in this event," he concluded. (Udinus Public Relation/Alex. Photo: PR Udinus)