The Capstone Design Expo hosted by the Biomedical Engineering Department at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) received a remarkable appreciation from the external testers. The innovations showcased at the expo are expected to be marketed to the public.
There was a total of 18 innovations created by students at the Capstone Design Expo. The expo took place from February 20th to 22nd, 2024 on the second floor of the I building. It was officially opened by a ribbon-cutting ceremony conducted by Heru Agus Santoso, Ph.D., the Dean of the Engineering Faculty.
The testers and visitors from external parties also saw the showcased innovations created by Biomedical Engineering students. Two of those testers were dr. Cipta Pramana, SpOG(K) (a doctor from the K.R.M.T. Wongsonegoro Hospital, Semarang) and Zoky Abadi Harahap, SKM., M.Kes., (a staff member from the Public Health Center of Semarang). On the same occasion, they also tested those newly invented devices and discussed with students what those devices were for.
In addition, dr. Cipta Pramana, SpOG(K) eulogized students for creating such useful devices. These innovations would later be in favor of the general public and students of other departments at Udinus.
“These are indeed phenomenal innovations. Several phantoms or dummies resembling real human bodies invented by students can potentially help medical students by a wide margin. This is because dummies are relatively costly on the market as of now,” the doctor said.
The same thing was also stated by Zoky Abadi Harahap, SKM, M.Kes. He also praised Biomedical Engineering students for using local materials in creating the components for their devices. Furthermore, he also expected students to further continue their projects to be better.
“I also toured to several stands, and I found their devices to hold novelty. Hopefully, next year students can do even better and produce good innovations,” he hoped.
These innovations showcased at the expo served as an output for Biomedical Engineering Students’ final assignments. Moreover, they were also obliged to resolve a problem from their initial design and implement this particular design at a final assignment exhibition.
Meanwhile, Heru Agus Santoso, Ph.D., the Dean of the Engineering Faculty, explained that the expo acted as a means for students to showcase their final assignment projects.
In addition, innovation from students is expected to have a tremendous impact on the wider community, especially to support health independence. In the future, the exhibition will become a regular activity and can be held more lively. This event also involves other majors in the scope of Engineering Faculty at Udinus.
“We have also tied a partnership with the Service of Health of Semarang so that their innovations can be further developed. In addition, these works also served as an attempt for the Engineering Faculty to contribute to turning Semarang into a Smart City with an excellent health sector,” the dean concluded. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)