Having realized that the 4.0 industrial revolution where all lines of human life will be controlled by technology, the Dinus Robotic Club (DRC) of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) held a robot competition which was attended by high school students as well as college students. The competition took place inside the hall, on the 3rd floor of the building E at Udinus.
The competition is intended for high school/vocational school students to compete in the robot soccer category. Each team is required to enter the ball using a robot into the opponent's goal, the team that manages to collect many goals or points will come out as the winner. Every participant can use the robot that has been provided by the DRC team. Dinus Robotic Competition (DN. ROBOCO) itself is part of an activity of the Dinus Robotic Club (DRC). The activity was held on January 3, 2024.
The Chairman of Dinus Robotic Competition, Faiqqiya Rafif A, said the purpose of the event was to develop the creativity of Indonesia's young generation so that their interests and talents could be utilized properly. According to him, technology will play an important role in human life. Most of the participants have brought their robots developed in their respective schools.

MERAKIT ROBOT: Peserta lomba Dinus Robotic Competition saat merakit robot masing-masing bertempatan di Aula gedung E lantai 3 Udinus
“This robot competition can develop their creativity. Moreover, the world has currently reached the fourth part of the Industrial Revolution. For this reason, students must hone their ability and skills in technology, including robotics,” he uttered.
The activity was attended by dozens of participants who competed in the soccer robot and line follower competitions. The Dinus Robotic Competition is a part of the 2024 Dinusfest series. It has received tremendous enthusiasm from high school students.
Dinusfest Event
All participants of the 2024 Dinusfest, particularly high school students, will later be given scholarships to continue their studies at Udinus. The 2024 Dinusfest itself is an event hosted by Udinus. As a whole, there are 73 contests featured at the 2024 Dinusfest started on January 20th, 2024.
There are various competitions as well as expos held regularly by Udinus. In total, there are 73 competitions this year. The total consists of sports, arts, and even reasoning. (Udinus Public Relation/Alex. Photo: Doc. Photo: PR Udinus