AI Is Not Taking Accountants’ Jobs, Agung Prjanto: It Has Indeed Contributed to the Accounting Sector Significantly and So Far, It Only Changed the Way Accountants Work

AI Is Not Taking Accountants’ Jobs, Agung Prjanto: It Has Indeed Contributed to the Accounting Sector Significantly and So Far, It Only Changed the Way Accountants Work

The world is currently seeing significant technological advancements for many years. At the moment, the Artificial Intelligence (AI),technology has gained a prevalence in our beloved world. This rapid technological development allows humans to work slightly less with the same results. Since the dawn of this AI technology, researchers have implemented this cutting-edge technology on various sectors, including accounting.

In a literal sense, Artificial Intelligence is a computer science sector specifically aimed at resolving cognitive problems concerning human intelligence, such as learning, creating, and image recognition.

Jangan Khawatir AI Tak Gusur Profesi Akuntan, Dosen Akuntansi Udinus, Agung Prajanto: Punya Kontribusi Besar dan Hanya Ubah Cara Kerja Akuntan Saja!

Among the general public, there has been a sentiment that AI implementation, particularly in the field of accounting, will eventually increase the unemployment rate among accountants. Agung Prajando, SE, M.Si., Ak., CA, CPA., an instructor of the Undergraduate Department of Accounting at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), rejected the entire idea. As a matter of fact, the development of Artificial Intelligence makes a crucial contribution to the accounting sector, particularly in regard to efficiency and productivity. Implementing AI does not cast accountants away from their jobs. Instead, it changes the entire idea of how accountants work.

“I still see that accountants are needed in various companies. Through computerization and Artificial Intelligence, I think the job of being an accountant will never be easier. This is because this technology allows accountants to do various works more efficiently, including inspecting, analyzing, and compiling big data quickly,” he emphasized.

According to him, AI essentially possessed the main purpose of improving the productivity of an accountant. While on the context of corporations, AI had a function to compress a business process.

“The implementation of AI in companies can help simplify business processes to be more effective and efficient in utilizing an advanced algorithm command.” Agung Prajanto emphasized.

Advising Junior Accountants

In addition to becoming a doctor, police officer, and architect, working in the financial sector is also a popular dream job among youths. As businesses take a step forward in the current globalization era, the demands of accountants will eventually reach new heights, particularly in terms of financial quality, and the profession will become more crucial for decision-making.

With the rise in popularity of the accounting sector among youths, Agung Prajanto gave words of advice to these junior accountants.

According to him, improving data analytical and data science skills would allow an accountant to compete in the current rise of AI . By learning those two skills, an accountant would help companies in giving professional consideration in deciding particular things.

“Those who are studying in an Accounting Department, I advise you not to be hesitant and easily distracted to improve your personal skills. You can enhance your skills by participating in certification programs to increase competitiveness in the industry,” he concluded (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)