An Indonesian Table Tennis Legendary Athlete, Ismu Harinto: What an Accomplishment to Be Able to Motivate Other Institutions to Be the Host!

An Indonesian Table Tennis Legendary Athlete, Ismu Harinto: What an Accomplishment to Be Able to Motivate Other Institutions to Be the Host!

As the host of the finale of the National Table Tennis League, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) received an appreciation a legend. The same legend who garnered a medal at the 2000 Sydney Oplympic, namely, Ismu Harinto.

At the competition, Ismu Harinto was present and gave greetings and motivation to all participants. The National Table Tennis League took place at the Udinus Sports Center, with 263 athletes from across the country participating.

As a legend, he reminded that this competition was crucial as participants would be able to improve and get fame, allowing them to participate in an even more prestigious table tennis competition representing both the province and Indonesia.

“I hope for Udinus to set a good example as the host of this event so that the National Table Tennis League can go on. This will allow junior athletes to gather portfolios for their future careers,” Ismu Harinto.

“In Central Java, there are many young athletes with immense potential, but this type of event should be held more often as a stimulant for athletes to routinely participate in competitions,” he added.

The National Table Tennis League has only been held twice, with this occasion being the second year of this league. At this league, participants are divided into three different categories representing their ages, including U-13, U-15, and U-19. In each category, the participants are also divided into another category, namely, men and women. The competition, which was a part of the 2024 Dinusfest, was held for three days from February 23rd, 2024.

Scholarships for Students

In response to the statement given by Ismu Harinto, Dr. Kusni Ingsih, MM., the Vice Chancellor III of Student Affairs, shared that Udinus would always be committed to supporting every positive event, particularly relating to academic and sports, allowing talented athletes to be discovered.

“We also routinely gave appreciation to athletes of Udinus by providing them with scholarships upon winning both national and international competitions. In addition to table tennis, the Udinus Sports Center also facilitated other sports branches, including basketball, volleyball, martial arts, and karate,” she concluded. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Humas Udinus)