The Profession Certification Institution (LSP) at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) received a visitation from the Profession Certification Institution (LSP) at Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (Umsida). At the visitation conducted as a way to improve synergies, both parties discussed the institutional management per the standard issued by the National Profession Certification Agency (BNSP).

The representatives from Umsida were welcomed in the Teleconference room on the first floor of the D building attended by the Head of the LSP at Udinus, Dr. Supriyono Asfawi, SE., M.Kes., alongside other staff members. Meanwhile, the LSP at Umsida sent Dr. Ida Rindaningsih, M.Pd (the Director of the LSP at Umsida), and her staff members.

During his interview, Dr. Supriyono Asfawi, SE., M.Kes. explained that the visitation primarily discussed license, certification scheme, certification process, and certificate owner surveillance. In addition, they also discussed topics concerning information systems and social media as the center of information and marketing.

“We hereby express our gratitude to Umsida for today’s visitation. This synergy hopefully can act as a way to equalize our institutional management to be in line with the BNSP Standard,” he explained.

For additional information, the Profession Certification Profession (LSP) at Udinus itself us an independent agency under the supervision of its parent institution, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro. This Institution is mainly in charge of implementing competency professional certification on the campus.

LSP Udinus Terima Kunjungan LSP Umsida, Kuatkan Standar BNSP

GROUP PHOTO: Representatives from Both Parties Upon Benchmarking at Udinus

Usai kunjungan, Direktur LSP Umsida, Dr. Ida Rindaningsih, MPd., berharap ilmu yang didapatkan dapat diterapkan di Lembaga sertifikat yang ada di Sidoajo tersebut. Ia pun berterima kasih telah diterima secara baik di LSP Udinus.</p>

“Hopefully, this visitation can motivate both parties parties to improve their respective institutional management. Also, we expect this visit to eventually benefit the general public,” she concluded. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Dok. lembaga sertifikasi profesi Udinus)