Annisa Tariza Fitri – Mahasiswi Program Sarjana Akuntansi Udinus

Berasal dari keluarga yang memiliki rekam jejak wirausaha, menumbuhkan ketertarikan dari perempuan bernama lengkap Annisa Tariza Fitri terhadap dunia wirausaha. Dengan ketertarikan tersebut, membuatnya akhirnya memutuskan untuk memilih Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) untuk belajar lebih lanjut. Mahasiswi Program Sarjana Manajemen itu menyadari bahwa mengelola usaha bukanlah suatu hal yang mudah. 

“It takes knowledge and skills to maintain a business. For this reason, I decided to major in management with the hope of helping me pursue my business,” she uttered.

Kini, perempuan yang akrab disapa ‘Annisa’ itu berhasil merintis usaha di bidang fashion dengan brand @aalleeafashion. Bisnis yang berbasis online shop itu pertama kali dirintis pada masa pandemi, tahun 2020-2021.

The lockdown pushed people to spend their time at home all day long. In addition, many businesses and sectors decided to utilize online platforms to run their activities.

“Through this lockdown, I established my business. Coincidentally, my parents also have a business clothing manufacturer, so I turned this opportunity in my favor,” he explained.

During her time managing her business, Annisa, born in Kudus in 2001, has already encountered ups and downs. Two of those were the abundance of orders, customers, and account freeze.

She uttered that her banking account was one closed by an e-commerce platform for violating the regulations. At that time, she was clueless about those regulations.

"At the end of 2022, I opened an online shop once again with the support given by my mother, which is now known as @aalleeafashion,” she continued.

Furthermore, she also revealed that the biggest challenge was the marketing. Considering her products concern technology usage, she had to learn many marketing aspects, including advertising, endorsing, and content ideas.

Niat dan Konsisten, Jadi Kunci Annisa Kembangkan Bisnis di Bidang Fashion
Pantang Menyerah

However, Annisa did not give up just yet and proceeded to use every opportunity possible, including those on campus. One of those opportunities utilized by Annisa was the Independent Entrepreneurship Program.

“To tackle the problems, I participated in the Independent Entrepreneurship Program. At the program, I was guided by professional entrepreneurs on how to advertise, market, and do many things with my products,” she claimed.

As a management student, she claimed that she had implemented her knowledge in her business. For example, Annisa used her knowledge from the e-commerce course, which essentially practices web developing, accounting, bookkeeping, and marketing to determine the target consumer.

“Every course taught in classrooms is relevant to my business, with financial and marketing courses being the most influential ones,” she emphasized.

To establish a business, Anissa revealed that there were two most important things, namely, determination and persistence. This is because many unexpected variables are causing a business to meet its up and downs, and normally, these variables cannot be seen during the first two months of starting a business.

“Most people do possess the determination but it is rare for one to hold patience and persistence. As a result, many businesses stopped unexpectedly. With good determination and persistence, we can run our businesses properly,” she concluded. (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: Humas Udinus)