The Institute for Learning and Curriculum Development (LPPK) of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) held a workshop for assessors for Past Learning Recognition (PLR). Through the workshop, assessors who represent various faculties were taught and explained in detail about the program.
This assessor's training activity for the implementation of PRL in Udinus is in accordance with Permendikbud Ristek No. 41 of 2021 and Kepdirjen no. 162/E/KPT/2022. Broadly speaking, Past Learning Recognition abbreviated as PLR, is a recognition of one's learning achievements. The recognition is obtained from formal education, non-formal education, and/or work experience education. This can be used as a basis for continuing formal education and then equalizing with certain qualifications.
The PLR workshop was opened directly by the Vice-Chancellor I for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Supriadi Rustad, MSi. In his speech, he explained that the PLR program launched by the government was able to dissolve the separation between formal and non-formal education. According to him, in carrying out the program, assessors in each university are the leaders in succeeding the program.
“Asesor harus benar-benar menyeleksi dengan baik para calon mahasiswa yang mengikuti program ini. Kami lihat peran asesor sangat penting dan harus mengedepankan integritas,” tegas WR I Udinus saat diwawancara terkait Program RPL.</p></p&gt;</p>
Applying the Standard
Meanwhile, the Head of LPPK Udinus, Dr. Pujiono, SSi., MKom., hopes that the workshop that was held last Wednesday can provide an in-depth understanding of Past Learning Recognition.
“This workshop will ensure that assessors understand how to apply these standards in practice later. The assessors have also simulated the program together with the speakers," he stated.

GIVING A LEARNING MATERIAL: One of the speakers from PRL expert team to the attendant in the Auditorium hall on the 6 floor of the Building I.
In the training for the assessors, around 40 lecturers were held in the theater room of Building I on the 6th floor of Udinus. In addition, there were two speakers who were proficient in the PLR program. These speakers consist of Dewi Wulandari who is the Learning Coordinator of Dit. Belmawa Directorate General of Higher Education Ristek and Dr. Fifti Istiklaili, SKM., MKes., RPL Expert Team Director of Learning and Student Affairs Dirjen Dikti Ristek, Kemdikbud Ristek RI.