Providing facilities to young table tennis athletes, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) successfully hosted the Grand Final of the 'National Table Tennis League‘. The national competition was attended by 263 athletes divided into 20 clubs, taking place at the Udinus Sports Center.
The event, which brings together athletes from various provinces throughout Indonesia, has just completed the league in its 2nd year. Divided into Under or U-13, U-15, and U-19 categories, each of which is divided into men's and women's categories. The match, which is also a series of the 2024 Dinusfest event, was held for three days starting on Friday, February 23, 2024
As the representative of the League Committee, Frengki Setyo Prabowo explained that the National Table Tennis League is currently in its second season. Each season will be held in series namely the first series, the second, and closed with a grand finale match. The system used in this event is also adjusted to the total number of participants who competed, using a half-competition and pool system.
“Through this grand finale event, the best table tennis athletes will emerge for their respective provincial contingents. Becoming excellent young athletes that can represent themselves at the provincial, national, and international level," explained Frengki.
Currently, Udinus also has several tennis table athletes who bring Indonesia to the International competition. These players are undergraduate students of management at Udinus, namely Siti Aminah, Cindy Marcella, Hafidh Nuur, and Affan Mauludana.
At the opening ceremony, representatives of the Provincial Management (Pengprov) of Central Java of the All-Indonesia Table Tennis Association (PTMSI), Dustamat Jaya Wiguna were also present. Dustamat said that this activity was also a form of support from the PTMSI Central Java for emerging athletes. He also thanked Udinus for all of the support.
"We as the manager and coach of table tennis athletes in Central Java hope that the Table Tennis League can continue to be routinely held. With the support from various parties and also Udinus who have provided a qualified facility, it will be very possible for this event to take place regularly," he hoped.
Also present to give a speech and opening the event symbolically, Vice Rector III for Student Affairs Udinus, Dr. Kusni Ingsih, SE., MM. Alongside the other representative and witnessed by the participants, the event was officially opened by hitting the gong. She revealed that Udinus as the homeowner will always be ready to support every activity in Indonesia related to education and sports.
"We will grant the winner of this grand finale league with a discount voucher to enroll at Udinus. Because we will always appreciate young athletes at both national and international levels," said Dr. Kusni (Udinus Public Relation/Haris. Photo: PR Udinus)