Ira Maya Chandra Khadijah – Student of Udinus Medical Study Program

Since an early age, this student of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro whose full name is Ira Maya Chandra Khadijah, has often seen her mother as a doctor treating sick people and handling many patients. Over time, she became more and more motivated to become a doctor and help other people just like her mother. That experience made her determined to continue her education in the medical field.

The woman, who is familiarly called ‘Ira,’ admitted that she really wanted to study in Semarang City. In line with her wishes and aspirations, in 2023, Udinus began to open admissions for the Medical Study Program. After further research, Ira decided to choose the Faculty of Medicine (FM) at Udinus as the place to pursue her dreams.

“Previously, I've seen Udinus's profile. I think Udinus is getting better and better each year, having a clear vision and mission. It made me confident to choose Udinus as a place to study higher education after high school," explained Ira.

As a student born in Pekanbaru, Ira is a migrant student. She has experienced many things along the road. Missing her family in South Kalimantan has become a daily dose for Ira. Adapting on campus turned out to be not as easy as she had in mind.

Ira, who was born in 2005, admitted that it took some time to adjust. Nevertheless, she's still living her life in college. This is also supported by the college atmosphere at Udinus, which she thinks is very good.

Campus Atmosphere

According to Ira, the environment at Udinus is very supportive. Her fellow students love to help each other, embrace, and even study together to graduate with good grades. Not only that, lecturers also teach really well and are patient.

“The lecturers at FM Udinus are amazing. They teach us well and are very patient. Their teaching method is also easy to understand and follows the current technological era," she continued.

During her studies at the Faculty of Medicine at Udinus, Anatomy is her favorite course. Ira, who loves singing and listening to music, said that in the Anatomy course, she learned the structure of the human body starting from the inner body to the outside. Bones, muscles, circulatory system, nervous system are also taught. Students also have the opportunity to learn with cadavers (preserved human corpses) who are often named ‘professors‘.

"At first, I was afraid when I first practiced anatomy and saw a cadaver. But I tried to fight the fear and go through lectures well in order to achieve my childhood dreams," said Ira.

Ira is committed to completing her studies at Udinus and making the most of the opportunities that she has. Both in terms of learning materials, as well as all the facilities provided.

"Don't hesitate to study at Udinus, especially at the Faculty of Medicine. In addition to the campus being clean and tidy, the medical equipment is also very clean and well-maintained. The lecturers are very competent in their respective fields. Not only that, the staff are kind and friendly," she concluded. (PR Udinus/Ika. Photo: PR Udinus)