The Computer Science in Art and Culture (CSAC) at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) provided a learning program to students from three different high schools in Semarang. Moreover, the learning program also featured an exhibition consisting of photographs captured by faculty members from the CSAC at Udinus.

There were twelve showcased photographs at the exhibition, which was hosted at Tan Art Space. Those twelve photographs were mainly artworks captured by Aris Nurhindarto, M.Kom, Deddy Award Widya Laksana, M.Pd., and DR. Daniar Wikan Setyanto, M.Sn. Each of these photos held its respective uniqueness and philosophy. The exhibition was opened by Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom, (the Chancellor of Udinus), and Tri Rustanti, SE, MM., (the Head of the Dian Nuswantoro Foundation).

ADMIRING PHOTOGRAPHS: Tri Rustanti, SE, M.M., seeing photographs showcased at the Photo Exhibition Workshop, ‘A Bridge.’

Following the opening of the exhibition, students from the Nusaputera High School (SMA/SMK Nusaputera) received a training program from faculty members of Udinus. They were taught the history of photography and the most fundamental techniques in photography. On the second and third days, Don Bosco High School and SMKN 11 Semarang will later also receive the same workshop.

During his opening speech, Dr. Drs. Abdul Syukur, M.M. (the Dean of the Computer Science Faculty at Udinus) stated that the workshop was specifically aimed at high school students as a way for the campus to develop their artistic talents. In addition to the workshop, the exhibition could also function as a platform for students to learn, particularly in the field of photography. The dean further explained that the CSAC was a research center directly supervised by the Computer Science Faculty.

“The CSAC consists of faculty members and researchers with expertise in the field of Computer Science Art and Culture. Hopefully, through this program, the high school students will be able to hone their photography skills,” the dean explained.

As stated by the chancellor, Udinus currently is committed to encouraging its students and faculty members to strive for more accomplishments, both in the artistic and academic fields. In addition, he was also present to see various showcased photographs alongside Tri Rustanti, SE, M.M.

“The quality of these photographs is truly top-notch, with deep artistic efforts residing within them. Apparently, capturing even a photo takes an unwavering dedication, and hopefully, these high school students can imitate this dedication, allowing them not to easily concede,” the chancellor emphasized.

Educating High School Students

The Photo Exhibition Photo entitled ‘A Bridge’ employed the theme of Mastering Photography: A Step Toward AI-Based Animation Creation.’ The event will last from March 4th to March 15th, 2024. Furthermore, several prominent figures also made an appearance, namely, Prof. Dr. Supriadi Rustad, M.Si., (the Vice Chancellor I of Academic Affairs), Prof. Dr. Tjetjep Rohendi Rohdidi, M.A., and other faculty and staff members. In addition, Kristiawan Nurdianto., M.Kom., (a representative from the Technological Development and Computer Information Center of Central Java) was also present.

Dessy Cahyaningrum, S.Pd., (a Public Relations Officer from Nusaputera High School) expressed her utmost gratitude for being invited to the workshop initiated by the CSAC at Udinus. The knowledge given by the instructors helped the students understand the basic concept of photography.

“We are grateful to be invited to this workshop. Our students were seen fairly enthusiastic, and we also asked them to bring cameras, allowing them to directly learn and practice,” she concluded. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)