Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) alongside Universitas Harapan Bangsa (UHB) launched Inyong 2.0 VR/AR product. This App acts as a method to preserve the cultural diversity of Indonesia, Particularly Banyumasan Culture through the Kosabangsa Program.
In this collaboration event, Udinus is proposed as a companion university. The main focus of this program is to preserve two cultural arts of Banyumas, namely Lengger Lanang Dance Art and Gagrag Banyumas Puppet. The launching event was also the culmination of the Community Service program between UHB and Udinus which resulted in an application containing Virtual Reality E-Museum Lengger Dance and Wayang Gagrag Banyumasan.
Costal itself is a program that has received funding assistance. The funding is granted by the Directorate General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. Specifically, the village chosen as the activity partner is Sudagaran Village. This village has the potential for education and conservation of Banyumas local culture that needs to be addressed further.
Chairman and Dean of FIB Udinus, Dr. Raden Arief Nugroho, SS, M.Hum explained the interesting aspects of the Inyong 2.0 program, namely the use of VR and AR technology. This device will later be used to provide education to the public about the Art of Lengger Lanang Dance and Wayang Gagrag Banyumas.
During the initiation process, Raden Arief and the UHB team have established a strong network of cooperation with related parties such as the Sudagaran Village Government, the Banyumasan Rumah Alengger Foundation, the Banyumas Indonesian Accident Association, and the Gagrag Banyumasan BIMA Maneges Wayang Kulit Lovers Association.
“Through an application that has been built together with VR-based, tourists can learn from the history to the philosophy of lengger dance. Meanwhile, AR will display three-dimensional animation of puppet characters and lengger dance movements," he explained.
Meanwhile, the Member of the Board of UHB 2023, Ir. Purwono, S.Kom., M.Kom explained that this program not only focuses on preserving local culture but also exploring the potential of technology to support the mission. The two main forms of activities carried out in this activity are education and conservation, with the implementation of programs that are fully assisted by the Companion Team from Udinus.
"In addition to involving educational institutions, this program also involves students from the two universities. The main goal is to provide off-campus experience and help in various aspects of program implementation," said Dr. Raden.
Inyong 2.0 Received Great Appreciation
The Inyong 2.0 VR/AR application was launched directly at the Banyumas District Office. The application was launched by the Chairman of the Banyumas Regency Arts Council, Drs. Sadewo Trilastiono.
Banyumas Regent, Hanung Cahyo Saputro, expressed his appreciation for this technological breakthrough. He acknowledged that VR and AR technologies have great potential to develop culture and education.
This program not only provides benefits for the preservation of local culture but also learning activities. This is realized with the example of the role of technology used for educational and creative purposes.
“This technology not only introduces Banyumas culture to the younger generation. But it can also be an interactive tool for education and art," he said. (Udinus Public Relation/Alex. Photo: Doc. Inyong 2.0 Udinus Team)