Aiming to tie partnerships with various associations of Central Java, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) invited the Indonesian Management Expert Association (AAMAI) and the Assurance Leading Company to engage in a meeting session. At the meeting, they discussed the economic development in Central Java, as well as introducing the Doctoral Management Department, which has currently been accredited as Very Good.

The discussion was participated by dozens of representatives from the AAMAI and the Head of the Doctoral Management Department. The discussion served as a way for both parties to tighten their bonds, with the fifth floor of the I building being the venue. In addition to discussing the development of management and accounting fields, the AAMAI also gave appreciation to the Doctoral Management Department for its recent success in attaining the Very Good Accreditation. The accreditation is stated in the decree issued by the Independent Economic Business Management and Accounting Accreditation Agency (Lamemba) no. 1064/DE/A.5/AR.10/III/2024.

Upon the meeting, Prof. Dr. Amron, SE., MM., the Head of the Doctoral Management Department at Udinus, stated that the discussion mainly concerned the field of management and accounting in general. Furthermore, he revealed that conducting a meeting with stakeholders from various associations and fields of industry was important, particularly for the development of a college department.

“The meeting serves as a way for us to ask them for feedback concerning various our upcoming programs. We also explained in detail about the education system in the Doctoral Management Department to them,” he explained.

The Quality of the Department

In regard to the accreditation attained by the Doctoral Management Department, Prof. Amron explained that the Very Good accreditation defined the education quality possessed by the campus, particularly in terms of instructors and facilities.

“We gladly welcomed the appraisal from the Lamemba with joy and pride. In addition, the academic community within the Economics and Business Faculty was also celebrated this excellent achievement of ours. Our hard work finally came into fruition upon filling the registration form and receiving visitation processes,” Prof. Amron explained.

As stated by Ir. Oscar Pakpahan, this collaboration between Udinus and AAMAI is expected to function as a hope pinned by all members of the AAMAI of Central Java. Additionally, he also acknowledged the wonder of facilities possessed by Udinus, particularly in terms of technology. Moreover, he also congratulated the Doctoral Management Department for its successful attempt to achieve the Very Good Accreditation.

“Such a remarkable meeting, in this meeting, we could be informed regarding the quality of Udinus, particularly the Doctoral Management Department. Hopefully, for the years to come, we can send our members to continue their studies here at Udinus,” he concluded.

The meeting was opened by a greeting from Prof. Amron and Ir. Oscar Pakpahan, the Instructor of AAMAI Commissary of Central Java. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)