The Doctoral Management Department at Udinus Successfully Acquired Very Good Accreditation Through Its Quality and Facilities

The Doctoral Management Department at Udinus Successfully Acquired Very Good Accreditation Through Its Quality and Facilities

Poster Akreditasi PDM Udinus

The Doctoral Management Department Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) has currently earned the Very Good accreditation. This accreditation indicates that the department holds high quality education system and excellent facilities.

As one of the newest study programs at Udinus, the Doctoral Management Department is currently under the supervision of the Economics and Business Faculty (FEB). As of now, the Economics and Business Faculty possesses three management degrees, including Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral. For additional information, the very good accreditation is listed in the decree issued by the Independent Economic Business Management and Accounting Accreditation Institution (Lamemba) no. 1064/DE/A.5/AR.10/III/2024.

In regard to the accreditation attained by the Doctoral Management Department, Prof. Amron explained that the Very Good accreditation defined the education quality possessed by the campus, particularly in terms of instructors and facilities.

“We gladly welcomed the appraisal from the Lamemba with joy and pride. In addition, the academic community within the Economics and Business Faculty was also celebrated this excellent achievement of ours. Our hard work finally came into fruition upon filling the registration form and receiving visitation processes,” Prof. Amron explained.

Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom. (the Chancellor of Udinus) also welcomed the publication of this accreditation. Furthermore, he expected this accomplishment to motivate instructors and students within the Economics and Business Faculty in enhancing the quality of education system scoping the faculty.

“The next challenge is to improve the quality of this department. This is because this department is still fairly new on campus, allowing many improvements in various aspects to be made. Hopefully, the Department of Doctoral Management can contribute to developing the quality of the management sector in Indonesia,” he advised. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Illustrasi: Humas Udinus)