Once again, a student from the Health Science Faculty at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) attained an excellent accomplishment at a national essay competition. The student named Immaculata Diona Litani Putri managed to emerge in the third place at the 2024 Faculty of Health Competition.
The competition held by the Student Executives of the Health Science Faculty at Udinus was participated by dozens of participants from several parts of Indonesia. At the event, Diona was able to secure the third place through her essay entitles ‘Maximizing TikTok Platform by Utilizing Cyber Counselling to Prevent Mental Disorder and Self-Diagnose Trend.’
During her interview, Diona, a Public Health student, admitted that she did note expect herself to win third place at the 2024 Faculty of Health Competition. This is because she did not have much time to spend on her essay. Moreover, it was also the first time she participated in an essay competition.
“I only know about this competition a week prior to the deadline. At that time, I did my best to use this small amount of time in my favor. Luckily, prior to this competition, I had already held a basic understanding of writing an essay,” she explained.
a basic understanding of writing an essay,” she explained. Diona revealed that she employed this topic due to the high influence TikTok inflicted upon youths. She hoped for youths to utilize this social media platform in a positive way. Thus, positive impacts could be inflicted, allowing youths to prevent themselves from suffering from mental disorders, as well as self-diagnosis.
“Based on my understanding, youths are not as mentally stable as people of old age. This mentality will eventually lead to overthinking, which can make one weak. Through this essay, I encourage youth to not only use TikTok for entertainment purposes, but also to learn new things,” she emphasized.
As A Platform To Hone Champion Mentality
Eti Rimawati, SKM, M.Kes., the Head of the Public Health Department at Udinus, expressed her pride for this accomplishment attained by Diona. According to Eti, contending in such competition was very important for students to hone their champion mentality, as a way to compete in the realm of professionalism.
“We will always provide support in the form of platforms for students to be accomplished,” she concluded. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)