Creating a brand-new innovation as a university student is indeed an amazing feat, which happened to six students at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro(Udinus). Through their innovative works known as the Electric Pedicab of Udinus Campus (Becik-KU), these six students successfully graduated at the 80th Graduation within only 3.5 years of studies.

Those six students were Wahyu Alfani, Yahya Rafly Fathurrahman, Brahmandika Kunni Zulfikar, Thoriq Akbar Bagaskoro, Ahmad Nashir, and Muhammad Jeffri Rikiyanto. All of them were students from the Engineering Faculty. Their phenomenal work, the electric pedicab, has been widely known by the public. It was an output from a program initiated by the Engineering Faculty, namely, ‘Capstone Design.’

The electric pedicab was a product of dedication from both students and faculty members of the Engineering Faculty. It has a unique design equipped with two pairs of seats, with a capacity of two passengers each. Similar to a normal pedicab, the electric pedicab has three wheels, with the engine on the back of it. The engine is primarily powered with electricity, making it rechargeable using the solar panel equipped on top of the electric pedicab.

During his interview, Wahyu Alfiani, one of the developer team, stated that his short studies were a byproduct of his dedication during his studies. In addition, he has also conducted many research projects with faculty members. Furthermore, he revealed that the academic community at Udinus had been supporting students in developing their talents and interests.

“Moreover, I also engaged in various campus organizations, allowing me to garner experiences and learn new things. This led to me being able to come up with innovations and graduate earlier than my fellow students,” he explained.

Meanwhile, Thoriq Akbar revealed that the program initiated by Udinus, namely, the Capstone Design, helped him finish his studies in the Electrical Engineering Department. During the development of his final project, he learned the importance of teamwork and responsibility.

“From this Capstone Design program, I could also learn many things concerning technology, particularly autonomouselectric vehicles,” he revealed.

At the 80th Graduation, a total of 1221 students graduated within three days from April 24th to 25th and May 2nd, 2024. On the first day, there were 409 students graduated, 423 on the second day, and 389 on the third day.

These graduates come from 21 different study programs consisting of a doctoral program, two postgraduate programs, 13 undergraduate programs, two applied programs, and three diploma programs. This sacred event took place in the Poncowati room at Patra Semarang Hotel and Convention.

Encouraging Graduates to Give Their Contributions to Indonesia

Thousands of graduates from various study programs graduated at the beginning of 2024, with Prof. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom., (the Chancellor of Udinus) leading the entire procession. Upon the procession, the Chancellor encouraged graduates to make more contributions to the future of Indonesia. 

The contribution can be embodied through their respective fields of expertise, similar to the accomplishment attained by those six students through their innovative pedicab. This phenomenal achievement was a token of pride for the chancellor. This is because the development of the electric pedicab involved both students and faculty members at Udinus.

“I encourage all of you not to yield from learning and expanding your worldview. Those six graduates are truly remarkable for their innovative electric pedicab,” the chancellor encouraged.

Meanwhile, Major General Nugroho Sulistyo Budi, M.M., (the Head of the Udinus Alumni Association) was amazed by the dedication showcased by those six graduates in creating the electric pedicab. He further hoped for their innovative pedicab to be further developed by Udinus for the years to come.

“I hereby congratulate all graduates from Udinus at this 80th Graduation. Hopefully, your knowledge will benefit the general public. Additionally, I would like to humbly encourage the innovation to be further developed,” he concluded. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)