Robotic is one of the innovations that assists human daily activities. In an effort to generate the latest robotics innovations, the Faculty of Engineering (FT) of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) hosted the IEEE R10 Robotic Competition 2024 which brought together innovators across Indonesia.
As the host, Udinus facilitated the competition for stage 1 phase 2. Followed by 10 teams from several universities in various regions. In this phase, the entire team is tasked to demonstrate its innovations in front of the judges, as well as organizing exhibitions. The event went smoothly and was held on the 6th floor in the theater hall of the I building. Saturday (27/04/2024).
In his remarks, the Dean of FT Udinus Ir. Heru Agus Santoso, Ph.D., explained that this competition focuses on creative and innovative design and technology ideas. Innovations that are able to benefit humanity. Such as medical robots, waste management, and even freight haulers.
“This event is also our effort to facilitate young generation to introduce their innovations to the international level. Later, the two teams that qualify in this stage will continue to the next stage at the Asia Pacific level. Then the last stage will take place in August in Tokyo," he said.
"We are certainly giving full encouragement to Udinus students. It is hoped that they can exist to bring the name of the university to the highest level in this competition," Said Heru.
Enthusiastic Participants
Besides debating ideas, all participants were also provided with Pre-University Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Workshops. The workshop covered relevant stem related topics such as robotics technology, programming, and technological innovation.
Meanwhile, the Chair of IEEE Indonesia Section (Represented) Pradini Puspitaningayu, Ph.D., was honored to be able to represent IEEE in person in the race. He also thanked Udinus for cooperating to host. The event ran smoothly and all participants looked enthusiastic during design ideas presentation and their technology innovation.
“Udinus's commitment to collaborate with IEEE is very wise. Through this competition, we want to answer various problems on a global scale through robotic technology, programming, and technological innovation," said Pradini.
One of the contest participants as well as the Team Leader of NextIn, Sicily Cahyaningyiyas commented that she was excited to be able to take part in one of these prestigious events. She and her team showcased the innovation of Robotic Automated Health Station or ‘Rahes‘. A tool that is able to automatically analyze disease in 5 health units.
“Events like this are one of our stepping stones as well as introducing Rahes to various agencies through the judges that present. It is hoped that our innovation can be better known by other agencies and can be further refined," she concluded. (Udinus Public Relation/Haris. Photo: PR Udinus)