Committed to conducting the ‘I Love Healthy Indonesia’ program (ACIe), the Health Science Faculty at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro tied a partnership with the Regional Technical Executive Unit (UPTD) of Central Semarang. The partnership also involved five different elementary schools within the area.

The signing of the agreement took place in the multipurpose room located on the first floor of the D building at Udinus. At the procession, the agreement was signed by Dr. Nurjanah, SKM., M.Kes., (the Vice Dean of the Health Science Faculty) and Santoso, S.Pd., M.Pd., (the Coordinator of the Education Division of Central Semarang). Following the procession, Dr. Eti Rimawati, S.KM., M.Kes., (the Coordinator of this Program) also signed the agreement with all representatives from five elementary schools in Central Semarang, including SDN Pendrikan Kidul, SDN Pendrikan Lor 1, SDN Pendrikan Lor 2, SDN Pendrikan Lor 3, and SDN Pekunden.

During her interview, Dr. Nurjanah, SKM., M.Kes., explained that the ACIe program was a part of the Independent Campus Learning Program (MBKM) by integrating a learning model, namely, Project-based Learning (PjbL). This model is integrated in the form of a course lasting for a semester, with the education projects conducted by students in various elementary schools being the outputs.

 “Around 219 Public Health students will be dispatched and teach healthy lifestyle in elementary schools. These students will be divided into 20 groups, with a supervising instructor each,” Dr. Nurjanah explained.

Furthermore, Dr. Nurjanah, SKM., M.Kes., added that the ACIe program would give students experience in implementing public health science in a field study. In addition, this program also aims to shape students to become more nationalistic, with religious norms being their moral foundation. This will ultimately allow students to become better individuals with a sense of morality.

“Students will also learn how to communicate through several courses, including Basic Epidemiology, Reproduction Health, and Basic Environmental Health,” she added.

Representatives from those five elementary schools and Santoso, S.Pd., M.Pd., (the Coordinator of the Education Division of Central Semarang) were also seen discussing the program with instructors and students from Udinus. They mainly discussed the continuation of the ACIe program. Students will later conduct this program for six months to effectively teach elementary students for two weeks.

Santoso, S.Pd., M.Pd., (the Coordinator of the Education Division of Central Semarang) hoped for students to effectively teach elementary students. Furthermore, he also stated that teaching elementary students needs patience, wisdom, and compassion.

“Teaching elementary students must not be forced and demanding. Students need to teach their materials by showing various examples, behaviors, and game shows,” he advised. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)