Quantum Computing Technology is a relatively new science in Indonesia. Currently, it is being studied and taught to all students and lecturers at  Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus)Correspondingly to this newly insight, a seminar called Indonesian Quantum Technology Initiative (IQTI) #2 is held to provide in-depth learning.

In Indonesia itself, the Quantum Computing trend has risen and several universities in Indonesia have now begun to learn it. The seminar, initiated by the Research Center for Materials Informatics of Udinus, encourages lecturers and students of the Computer Science Postgraduate Program to explore the technology that is still uncommon in Indonesia.

On that occasion, the exploration started with an in-depth explanation of Quantum Computing, its development, function, and application. For now, this method can solve complex problems faster than ordinary computers.

The Vice-Chancellor I for Academic Affairs of Udinus, Prof. Dr. Supriadi Rustad, M.Si., says that quantum computing is a new thing. Basically, this method consists of computer science aspects such as physics and mathematics that utilize quantum mechanics. The course subject about the quantum computing has been tested in regular lectures at the Faculty of Computer Science of Udinus for one semester.

With its fast growth, Quantum Computing can be utilized to enhance the solving of optimization problems," said Prof. Dr. Supriadi Rustad, M.Sc.

The study on Quantum Computing covers application as well as hardware development. This is because the computer utilizes the phenomenon of superposition.

“If we look at the working process, Quantum computers work very differently from classical or ordinary computers. If a regular computer uses bits in the 0 or 1 state, the quantum computer uses qubits which can be 0, 1, or both at once," explained the vice-chancellor.

Quantum Technology Expert of Bandung Institute of Technology, Prof. Ir. Hermawan Kresno Dipojono, MSEE, Ph.D., also attended and shared his views on the development of Quantum technology in Indonesia. According to him, Indonesia will follow and be carried away by global trends. Indonesia has now prepared itself and hopes that the government invests for the sake of mastering this technology.

Currently, there are not many Indonesians who delve into Quantum computing technology. He also appreciated the step of Udinus who had organized a seminar that explored about Computing.

"Looking at the large market in Indonesia, big corporation will enter and bring the Quantum Computing technology ecosystem to this country. Udinus has also taken good steps in learning the technology and popularizing it," he said.

Meet Quantum Computing

The seminar on Quantum Computing was held in the Theater Room of Building I, 6th floor and was held for two days on May 30-31, 2024. Other than Prof. Dr. Supriadi Rustad, M.Sc., and Prof. Ir. Hermawan Kresno Dipojono, MSEE, Ph.D., also attended the seminar and gave a presentation. Besides them, there were other Udinus lecturers who were chosen to be speakers in the seminar. Those speakers consist of Dr. T. Sutojo, S.Si., M.Kom., Dr. M. Akrom, M.Sc., and Dr. Muljono, S.Si., M.Kom,. The participants will also get Quantum and classical machine learning directly from the experts.

The IQTI seminar on the relatively new technology became a real step for Udinus to participate in the development of the latest technology in Indonesia. This activity is also a forum for collaboration between academics, industry, and the government in research and development of quantum technology as conveyed by the Chancellor of Udinus, Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom.

In his speech, he stated “We're expecting to encourage more research, training, and development of human resources who are experts in the field of technology. IQTI can be a powerful driving force in the development of technology in Indonesia. Later on, we can be on par with developed countries in this field," Said Prof. Edi.