Four students of the Engineering Faculty of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) ciptakan robot kesehatan yang mampu membantu tim medis dalam memeriksa pasien. Karya itu bernama Robot Automated Health Station atau yang dikenal dengan Rahes itu, berhasil meraih peringkat pertama dalam ajang R10 Robotics Competition Indonesia Section beberapa waktu lalu.
This autonomous robot was made by the NextIn Udinus campus robotics team, namely Sicily Cahyaningtiyas, Zulhendra Adi Kusuma, Wahyu Afani, and Muhammad Jeffri R. The robot is in the form of a chair complete with storage full of medical devices on the right and left-hand rests.
The initial idea of making Rahes originated from the complaints of the Semarang City Health Office which faces various obstacles. Among others, there is a shortage of staff, devices, or medical devices, and even the dependence on anamnesis. The four students supervised by Sari Ayu Wulandari, ST, M.Eng have been designing this invention since 2021 and are still continuously refined. Meanwhile, the problems faced in the process of making Rahes are the integration and funding process.
Regarding the results of the detection carried out by Rahes, testing data has been carried out which has also been received by doctors or related experts. However, in the future, Rahes will continue to be improved on various features.
Currently, Rahes has five health screening features, such as general poly, ophthalmic poly, ENT poly, pulmonary & cardiac poly, and dental poly. In the health examination process, various poly can be done independently by patients using only one chair.
"Our robot is called Rahes or Robot Automated Health Station which is designed to have five features of the health unit, namely general poly, eye poly, ENT poly, lung or heart poly, and dental poly. We are working with the health office, fulfilling the demand or assisting the health office itself," said Sicily Cahyaningtyas, leader of the NextIn team.
Competition is the Fuel for the Youth
Patients who have carried out a medical examination according to computer instructions will later get a printout of the results of the examination. This robot also has sensors that can track the patient everywhere they go. Rahes has been featured in the R10 Robotics Competition Indonesia Section held at Udinus in Building I on the 6th floor.
The Dean of Udinus Engineering Faculty Ir. Heru Agus Santoso, Ph.D., explained that the R10 Robotics Competition focuses on creative and innovative design as well as technology ideas. Innovations that are able to benefit humanity. Such as medical robots, waste management, and even goods carriers. Heru is also proud of Udinus' innovation, which is Rahes who was able to reach the first rank and has the right to advance to the last stage.
"This event is also our effort to facilitate the younger generation to introduce their work to the international level," he said. ((Udinus Public Relation/Alex. Photo: PR Udinus)