Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) gave robotic training to students of a special school, namely, Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB) Negeri Semarang. The training program was mainly conducted by the Electrical Engineering Department at Udinus last week.

The program, which was conducted by students and lecturers of the Electrical Engineering Department, was enthusiastically received by the students of the special school. The training program began with basic robotics, introduction to hardware, and soccer robot designing, then followed by robot programming. Dozens of these special school students were people with disabilities, suffering from blindness and deafness.

Dr. Ir. M. Ary Heryanto, S.T., M.Eng., the Head of the Electrical Engineering Department at Udinus, explained that this program aimed to familiarize special school students with robotics in general. Moreover, the ministry has recently been eager to host robotic contests specifically aimed at special school students.

“At that program, we also taught students how to improve their knowledge concerning robotics, so that they could participate in a robotic contest. We introduced the concept of robot designing and crafting to them without having to change their curriculum,” he explained.

ANTUSIAS: Siswa SLB Kota Semarang antusias saat mempelajari robotika bersama Udinus

In response to this program, Sri Sugiarti, S.Pd., the Principal of SLB Negeri Semarang, expressed her gratitude to Udinus for providing robotic training as a way to prepare these students for upcoming contests.

“This program was received well by our students. They were seen enthusiastic and delighted to dive deep into the field of robotics and win the upcoming contest,” she explained.

This training program served as a contribution given by lecturers and students at Udinus to put the Tri Dharma Philosophy into practice. The practice mainly encompasses community service and positive training programs in accordance with the expertise of both students and lecturers. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Humas Udinus)