Student organizations at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) once again garnered prideful accomplishments by getting their proposals accepted and funded by the Directorate of Higher Education, Research, and Technology (Ditjen Dikti Ristek). The funds were intended to empower the Student Organization Capacity Coaching Program (PPKO). A total of fourteen student organizations were successfully selected and funded to run this community service program spanning numerous regions in Indonesia.

The funding will be used to empower the PPKO program, where every selected student organization is obliged to conduct a community service program in a designated location for a certain amount of time. This whole process was started by presenting a proposal to the Dikti Ristek and continued with a selection process. This year, dozens of proposals have been presented by numerous student organizations at Udinus.

Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M., (the Vice Chancellor III of Student Affairs) expressed her pride to those student organizations, both on the faculty and the university levels, for this remarkable accomplishment. Furthermore, she emphasized that all those fourteen student organizations would conduct community services in various regions in Indonesia. She also advised students to conduct this program well and inflict positive impacts on the locals.

“Our student organizations have done a good job for this program. Moreover, we see that their enthusiasm is enormous to succeed in their community services in their respective regions,” Dr. Kusni revealed.

Those fourteen student organizations that got their proposals accepted and funded were BEM FIK, HMKL, the KSPM Bureau, DPM FEB, BEM FEB, Rumah Sahabat, Kamadiksi Community, Doscom, DPM FIK, HMSI, HMTI, HMDKV, the DKV Bureau at Udinus Kediri, and the Information Systems Bureau at Udinus Kediri. This year, there are dozens of topics chosen by student organizations. All those topics were grouped into four clusters, including Education, Economy, Health, and Environment.

Dr. Rindra Yusianto, S.Kom., M.T., (the Head of the Student Affairs Bureau at Udinus) hoped for their successes to motivate other student organizations to achieve accomplishments. In addition, this PPKO program would also allow students to contribute to public development through their community service programs.

“Hopefully, in the years to come, more student organizations will be able to write better proposals, allowing them to be selected and funded in the PPKO program. We also hereby congratulate all those fourteen student organizations from Udinus,” he hoped.

(Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Dok. Kemahasiswaan Udinus)