Five students from Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) created an innovation called Karamba Floating Net (KFN) Portable by utilizing the Internet of Things (IoT).

The solar-powered device is designed to increase the productivity of fishermen and crop yields. It can even reduce water pollution in the Wadaslintang reservoir. This innovation is a collaboration between three faculties, namely the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), the Faculty of Health (FKes), and the Faculty of Engineering (FT).

This project is led by one of the undergraduate students of the Management Program, Fadia Zulfa Kanaya. The four members, namely Tatagh Herawan Santoso, Wifaqul Azmi Al Khoida, and Dimas Permadi Bagas Kara from the Bachelor of Electrical Engineering Program, as well as Faiz Afrizal Adisaputra as one of the Bachelor of Public Health Program Students. The development of this tool is under the guidance of Dr. Rindra Yusianto, S.Kom., MT.

Fadia Zulfa Kanaya, team leader, explained that her innovation was born from funding for the Student Creativity Program for the Application of Science and Technology (PKM-PI) of the Ministry of Education in 2024. The development of the device began with the problems faced by the Widosiger Fishermen in Erorejo Village, Wonosobo Regency. Some of the problems are the presence of water pollution and mass fish death when using conventional KFN.

"The use of conventional KFN is proven that it is still not optimal for fish cultivation. Because water pollution that is caused by irregular and excessive fish feed at the bottom of the reservoir is still common," said Fadia.

Inovasi IoT Mahasiswa Udinus Tingkatkan Produktivitas Nelayan di Waduk Wadaslintang
ILUSTRASI ALAT: Gambar Inovasi IoT Mahasiswa Udinus yang digunakan untuk tingkatkan produktivitas nelayan di Waduk Wadaslintang

In an effort to overcome these problems, KFN is designed to be portable IoT and utilizes solar energy. This floating net is also equipped with a Green Algae (Chorella) detector, to allow KFN Portable to automatically move into reservoir areas with high green algae content.

“In this way, fishermen do not need to feed manually in the middle of the reservoir. We also designed so that this innovation can be controlled remotely by fishermen through smartphones," added Fadia.

Government Support

The Secretary of the Office, Sidik Widagdo, hopes that freshwater aquaculture practices in Wonosobo will be more effective and efficient. He expected that it could support the development of sustainable agro-tourism in the Wadaslintang Reservoir area.

“This technology is not only able to increase productivity but also pay attention to better environmental impacts. Hopefully, it will be able to make the Wadaslintang Reservoir area one of the leading science techno-park in Central Java by 2030," he hoped.

The Karamba Floating Net (FKN) is fully supported by the Dispaperkan Kabupaten WonosoboFurthermore, the Head of the Wonosobo Regency Fisheries Division, Farida Hidayati Estiningtyas emphasized the importance of this innovation, especially for the livelihoods of the local community near the Reservoir. The problem of water pollution can also be minimized, so that water quality and aquatic ecosystems will be better maintained, and fishermen's catches can increase.

"This technology is expected to be an alternative to conventional KFN solutions that have begun to overcapacity. So, we're no longer focusing on the number of seeds sown, instead, we emphasize the improvement aspects of production and harvest quality," concluded Farida. (Udinus Public Relation/Haris. Photo: PR Udinus)