Going Sky High! 20 Research Titles of Computer Science Faculty of Udinus Receive Funding in the 2024 DRTPM Program


Going Sky High! 20 Research Titles of Computer Science Faculty of Udinus Receive Funding in the 2024 DRTPM Program


In mid-2024, the Faculty of Computer Science (FIK) of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) again made a proud achievement. This time, lecturers in the scope of the Faculty of Computer Science successfully made 20 research proposals to be qualified for the Research and Community Service Program for the Fiscal Year of 2024.

From the total of the research, 16 lecturers from various Study Programs at the Faculty of Computer Science managed to contribute their ideas and innovations. In the 20 research titles that passed, there were 13 fundamental studies, 3 master's thesis studies, 2 doctoral dissertation studies, and 2 applied studies. The research topics include Artificial Intelligence (AI) for health, data security, smart society, nature conservation, high-performance computing (HPC), and quantum crypto.

Dr. Abdul Syukur, the Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science Udinus, expressed his happiness toward the achievement. According to him, the number of studies that successfully passed the funding at DRTPM has increased significantly compared to 2 years in the past. The research, which received DRTPM funding this year, is research at the Intelligent Distributed Surveillance and Security (IDSs) study center and the Material Informatics (Matics) study center.

"In 2022 and 2023, The Faculty of Computer Science only had 11 and 12 research titles that received DRTPM funding. This achievement shows tremendous progress in the contribution of FIK Udinus in the world of research," stated Dr. Abdul.

Artificial Intelligence Study Reference

One of the recipients of the research grant and coordinator of the field of AI studies for health at the IDSs study center, Junta Zeniarja M. Kom, expressed his gratitude. He also hopes that with the acquisition of DRTPM research funding, Udinus will become the main reference in Artificial intelligence (AI) study centers in Indonesia

“As far as our observation, the competence of lecturers in education and research has become increasingly qualified. It is hoped that in the future it will continue to be able to contribute to the community," said Junta Zeniarja M.Kom.

Lecturers from various universities across Indonesia attended the Research and Community Service Program for the Fiscal Year of 2024, initiated by the Directorate of Research, Technology, and Community Service (DRTPM) of the Ministry of Education (Kemendikbudristek). Not only that, Udinus successfully passed 34 lecturer research titles, which shows their commitment to producing quality research for the sake of the community's future. (Udinus Public Relation/Alex. Photo: PR Udinus)