The spirit of Salawat echoed at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) as a campus religious event. The event was entitled ‘Udinus Bersholawat.’ It was attended by the whole academic community, students, and locals, who gathered at the parking lot of the G building on Thursday, June 6th, 2024.
The entire congregation gathered and chanted Salawat with the special guest, Habib Muhammad bin Farid Al-Muthohar. The event was opened by a speech delivered by Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom., accompanied by all vice-chancellors and staff members.
On that occasion, the chancellor stated that this event served as a religious activity, which had routinely been hosted. Another religious activity similar to this one is Online Al-Qur’an Recitation, which has entered its 405th session and has been routinely conducted for the past five years on Monday and Thursday nights.
“This religious activity is our initiative to fulfill our spiritual needs. We, as the academic community of a university housing over 17.000 students from 31 different departments, would like to be more spiritually connected to the Almighty God,” he explained.
Furthermore, Prof. Edi also emphasized that in addition to its technological innovations, Udinus also dearly upheld religious values. According to him, these religious values could allow students and faculties to produce novel and excellent ideas.
“This is because enclosing ourselves to the Almighty God is one of the keys to reaching success and joy both in this world and the afterlife. As of now, we have produced successful innovative inventions, that can benefit us and the general public,” he uttered.
Furthermore, Muhammad Afiq Askar, the head organizer of this event, hoped for this event to be hosted annually. Through the Islamic Unit (BAI) and Muslim Activity Center (PAM), Udinus is always committed to receiving feedback from the public to host meaningful religious events.
“Hopefully, this event can bring blessings to the academic community and the public alike,” he stated.

THE CONGREGATION GATHERS: The congregation gathers at the parking lot of the G building at Udinus Bersholawat.
Avoiding Negative Things
The main event started with a recitation of Maulidurrasul, which was led by a preacher named Ustadz Ahmad Adib Nawawi, S.H.I. It also featured a performance from an Islamic musical group known as Hubbul Musthofa of Bandungan. The event was continued by Mauidhoh Hasanah and Mahalul Qiyam led by Habib Muhammad bin Farid Al-Muthohar.
During his sermon, Habib Muhammad bin Farid Al-Muthohar encouraged students to avoid stressful activities, particularly online gambling, and online loans. Furthermore, he revealed that the blessing of Salawat would allow students to avoid those negative things.
“May all students receive blessings from the Almighty God. Thus, you can all be free from stress lingering in your studies, and may all the knowledge you learned align with moral and religious values,” he uttered.
On the same occasion, Habib Muhammad bin Farid Al-Muthohar also discussed the digitalization phenomenon in various aspects of life the congregation must pay attention to. Nowadays, everything has essentially gone digital, and this pushes the young generation to be more cautious and properly utilize these digital media.