Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) through the Voluntary Corps of the Indonesian Red Cross (IRC) held a blood donation activity to commemorate World Blood Donor Day on June 14. The event which took place at the Faculty of Medicine (FK) Udinus Building was attended by the Udinus academic community and the local community of Semarang City.
The Voluntary Corps IRC of Udinus was collaborating with the Central General Hospital Dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang in conducting this activity, which has become part of the routine for the student organization at Udinus. The inauguration of the blood donation activity was carried out by the Vice-Chancellor III of Udinus Student Affairs, Dr. Kusni Ingsih, MM.
"In this activity, Udinus through the student organization of Voluntary Corps IRC cooperates directly with Kariadi Hospital Semarang, to support blood donation events," said Dr. Kusni Ingsih, SE., MM.
Dr. Kusni also encouraged all members of the academic community and the people of Semarang City to actively donate their blood. The goal is to maintain the availability of sufficient bloodstock in Semarang City.

PARTISIPASI MAHASISWI: Salah satu mahasiswi Udinus yang sedang melakukan donor darah di gedung K Fakultas Kedokteran Udinus.
The Head of the Integrated Laboratory of Blood Transfusion Unit (BTU) of Dr. Kariadi Hospital, dr. Dik Puspasari, Sp.PA(K), welcomes this activity. According to her, this activity can help meet the needs of blood bags which now reach 7000-8000 bags per month at Dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang.
“In addition to helping patients in need, donating blood also benefits donors. Such as increasing the production of new blood cells and reducing the risk of cancer," explained dr. Dik Puspasari.
Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat terus meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya donor darah serta kontribusi positifnya bagi kesehatan masyarakat secara luas. Sebelum mendonorkan darahnya, penderma darah diharuskan mengisi mendaftar dan mengisi form yang diberikan oleh petugas.
Selepas itu, penderma darah diharuskan melakukan pemeriksaan tensi dan HB oleh tenaga medis. Hal itu dilakukan agar darah yang didonorkan sesuai dengan ketentuan yang diberikan. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)