The 2024 Training on Secondary Student Management Skills (LKMM-TM) 2024 by the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs (Belmawa) is carried out to generate competent leaders. Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) was again trusted to host the training event, on Thursday (25/07/2024)

The activity was attended by 40 representative students from public and private universities across Central Java such as Semarang, Purwokerto, Solo, and Magelang region. Participants were very enthusiastic about the event, judging by the questions asked during the three-day training in the hall of the E building of the Udinus Campus.

The training was opened through a speech by the Vice-Chancellor III for Student Affairs of Udinus, Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M. The session was continued with the symbolic opening by hitting a gong by the Coordinator of the Belmawa Student Affairs Group, Sukino, S.Pd., M.A.P.

Attended by expert speakers in managing the organization, participants were also grouped into teams to practice the knowledge. The first material was delivered directly by Sukino, S.Pd., M.A.P., who explained the objectives of LKMM-TM and the benefits obtained by the participants.

“We hope that students can get new insights to run their organization on campus. They can learn to communicate with fellow students and lecturers, and even able to work together when directly working with the community later," he explained.

Each participant was given the opportunity to work in a team to make project proposals guided by resource persons and facilitators. In the future, the 5 best students from Central Java will be sent as representatives in Advanced Student Management Skills (LKMM-TL) training.

Meanwhile, in his remarks, Vice-Chancellor III Udinus said that this training was an important opportunity for students to form a better character. Because students will become prospective leaders in the future.

"It is a pride for Udinus to provide facilities for students throughout Central Java to attend training. It is hoped that this opportunity can be utilized as well as possible to be taken back to their respective universities and taught to other students, "he concluded. (Udinus Public Relation/Haris. Photo: PR Udinus)