Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) has just renovated its sports facility and is now called UDINUS SATRIA Sport Center (USSC). The official opening of USSC was marked by the Dinus Pangdam IV Cup XVII, which is a basketball tournament involving dozens of teams from junior and senior high schools throughout Indonesia.

Officially, the sports center is located at Satria Raya Street, Plombokan, North Semarang Region, Semarang City. The opening session was done symbolically by the Chancellor of Udinus, Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom., followed by the Representative of Pangdam IV Diponegoro, Lieutenant Colonel Kav Indarto, Military District Commander 0733-BS/Semarang, and the Representative of the Central Java Perbasi Provincial Government, Adhi Siswanto Wisnu Nugroho, S.Pd., S.Th. They symbolically hit a Taiko drum as a sign of opening, followed by 32 men's and women's basketball teams.

In his remarks, Prof. Edi expressed his gratitude to Commander IV Diponegoro, who had agreed to lend as well as helping to renovate it for Udinus. This competition is Udinus' step in finding new talented athletes in the basketball branch. Moreover, this event is also a form of appreciation for the new USSC. 

“GOR ini sudah kami renovasi sesuai dengan standarnya dan akan digunakan untuk aktivitas Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (UKM) olahraga di Udinus. Kegiatan ini juga sebagai bentuk apresiasi kami terhadap GOR baru ini,” terang Prof. Edi. 

"This Sports Center has been renovated in accordance with its standards and will be used for the Sports Activities for Student Activity Unit (SAU) in Udinus. This activity is also a form of our appreciation for this new Sports Center," explained Prof. Edi.

In addition to studying in class, Udinus' students are also encouraged to continue to excel in non-academic fields based on their passions. The chancellor of Udinus also invited athletes not to hesitate to excel and study at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus).

Foto Bersama Pembukaan Lomba Dinus Pangdam IV Cup XVII

Furthermore, Lieutenant Colonel Kav Indarto welcomed the renovation of the building that used to be called Gor Satria. In addition to finding basketball athletes, USSC is also a place to strengthen brotherhood and solidarity between athletes. 

“We hope all teams can compete with fair and square play so that the game can run smoothly. It is hoped that this facility can be used optimally and utilized as well as possible for future competitions," said Lieutenant Colonel Kav Indarto.

32 teams competed in this tournament, consisting of 8 high school boys teams in the 1st division, 12 high school boys teams in the 2nd division, 8 junior high school boys teams, and 4 junior high school girls teams in who represent Central Java and Yogyakarta region. (Udinus Public Relation/Haris. Photo: PR Udinus)