Semarang – Dr. Solichul Huda, M.Kom, a tech expert from Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), reminded the importance of government anticipatory measures against data leaks at Pusat Data Nasional (PDNS 2) or the National Data Center 2. According to him, the ransomware attack on PDNS 2 has resulted in changing the database code, which he called an encryption process that locks access to data.

“This is similar to data locking carried out by hackers using ransomware, where data cannot be opened or accessed,” said Huda.

Huda explained that although the hacker had provided the encryption key to recover access to the hacked data, There is a possibility that the stolen data had also been downloaded by hackers. Huda's main concern lies in the security of personal data that can be misused for illegal purposes, such as identity theft or financial crime.

“After successfully entering the system, hackers will usually download all available data. This means that although the original data is still in the PDNS, the duplicate data is also in the hands of hackers. Population data such as ID card photos, fingerprints, and other personal information falls into the hands of irresponsible people. It can be used for serious crimes," he added.

However, Huda urged the public to remain calm, especially regarding the security of financial information in the country. Huda also reminded us that people who are less familiar with banking technology such as M-banking or SMS banking are vulnerable to becoming victims.

“Domestic banks are currently not directly connected to the National Data Center. The risk of misuse of data for local banks can still be controlled. A more intensive educational approach needs to be taken to increase awareness of data security," Huda Suggested. (Udinus Public Relation/Alex. Photo: PR Udinus)