Semarang – Five Students of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) succeeded in creating innovations that can help medical students and even medical officers learn medical terminology, especially in musculoskeletal cases. This innovation is called the ‘The Dictionary of Musculoskeletal Medical Terminology'.
The digital dictionary is the result of a collaboration between students of the Diploma in Medical Records and Health Information (RMIK) Program, and the Undergraduate of Informatics Engineering Program of Udinus. Riska Syifana Putri, Ukhta Shila Rochmana, Atika Sari Mulina, and Sabil Ikhwan from the Medical Records Program are responsible for compiling the dictionary content. Meanwhile, Muhammad Fauzi Ardiansyah from the Bachelor of Informatics Engineering Program developed the dictionary websites to be accessible on various platforms.
The Head of the Student Creativity Program (SCP), Riska Syifana Putri, explained that this dictionary provides a clear and easy-to-understand definition for medical terms that are often used in musculoskeletal cases. "This dictionary is also equipped with 3D animations of human skeletons, which makes it easier for users to understand each term," explained Riska.
"It is Easy to access information about the medical terms of the musculoskeletal system from anywhere and anytime through digital devices, which is one of the advantages of our innovation," said Riska.

This digital dictionary also serves as a learning medium for medical terms that are difficult to understand, especially in the case of musculoskeletal. The musculoskeletal system consists of the muscles and skeleton of the body, including bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and other connective tissues that function to support, move, and protect the organs in the body.
“Our innovation has been tested by several students and medics, and the results show that this dictionary works well and is very helpful in understanding medical terminology,” claimed Riska.
The supervisor of this project, Faik Agiwahyuanto, S.Kep., M.Kes., expects that this Dictionary of Musculoskeletal Medical Terminology will be a breakthrough in the medical world as a means of learning. "Hopefully, this digital dictionary can contribute helping medical personnel and students to improve their abilities in the medical field," he said. (Public Relations/Alex. Photo: Udinus PR)