Difficulties often occur in looking for veins during the invasive measurement, particularly in patients with darker skin. However, this problem will be resolved by an innovation invented by five Biomedical Engineering students at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), who came up with a device named Melanveer.

Melanveer was designed by considering user comfort. This device can be described as a rectangular device with two parts or compartments. On the right side, there is a monitor screen roughly the size of the palm of an adult, while on the left side, there is a soft pad for the user to put their hands on. Melanie is also equipped with an infrared camera, which can expose human veins. The device uses a 12-volt battery, which can last up to four hours, and the data is processed using Raspberry Pi 4.

The development team of Melanveer consisted of five students, including Ivone Adeline (Leader), Andri Maulana, Salzabila Hartriningsih, Mauldy Nawa Ayu Wulandari, and Gumilar Ilham Luwiyan. Ivone explained that this device had undergone the development process since April and would keep receiving further support. Moreover, she also added that Melanveer was also effective to use on people with obesity, as their veins are relatively difficult to detect.

“The testing has been done on thirty samples, and our device has proven to work properly,” Ivone explained. She further hoped for Melanveer to help medical professionals and reduce the potential injury and trauma on patients. “Through this breakthrough, service efficiency will also see an improvement,” Ivone revealed during her interview.

During the development process, those five students were under the supervision of a faculty member in the Engineering Faculty, namely, Wisnu Adi Prasetyanto, S.T., M.Eng. This device was developed for the Student Creativity Program of Innovative Works Division (PKM-KI), which was initiated by the General Directorate of Higher Education, Research, and Technology, as well as the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs (Belmawa).

Wisnu Adi Prasetyanto, the supervisor, stated that the Student Creativity Program aimed to improve the creative and innovative thoughts within students. “This program helps students shape their characters, as well as creative thinking and acting. Hopefully, they can do this program properly, leading to them passing to the next stage,” Wisnu concluded. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)