Bulletin entitled ‘Sudut Warta Volume 3’ has been officially launched by the Student Activity Unit (SAU) of the Wartadinus Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus). The inauguration took place in a series of events‘ Wartafest 2024 ’in the auditorium hall of the 7th floor H building on Friday (05/07/2024).
The launching was carried out in digital and printed form and it was officially launched by the Head of Udinus Library, Aan Prabowo, S.Hum., M.A. Accompanied by the Wartadinus Campus Press Coach, Switta Amallia Hapsari, M.I.Kom., as well as the Head of the Bulletin Team, Ika Safira Syaharani.
The theme carried out for this volume is 'Maximizing Self-Potential to Embody Wise and Excellent Generations in the Digital Age'. The goal of this event is to encourage young people to take advantage of growing digital advances.
“We carry this theme to show that the younger generation can explore the potential through the use of digitalization. We can work together to be productive and wisely utilizing all types of technological facilities," said Aan.
"The printed version of Bulletin is back, making it available to be archived in the campus library. The purpose of this record is that all of the community at Udinus can access the magazine and expand the Wartadinus network in the future," added Ika.
The event was attended by 60 participants from the delegation of student organizations and the student unit in Udinus. Moreover, the launching of wartadinus was also attended by representatives of Student Press Institutions (SPI) from other Universities in Semarang City.

Journalism Seminars and Exhibitions
In addition to the inauguration of the magazine, Wartafest 2024 was also equipped with the excitement of the Journalism Seminar. As well as an Exhibition that displays journalistic works in the gallery room of the H building on the 1st floor.
The event presented two expert speakers, namely Switta Amalia Hapsari, M.I.Kom., who also has experience as an expert in the media, including having been an editor at Nova.id, Kompas Gramedia Group, the managing editor of Mediaini.com. Also, the former Chairperson of Wartadinus, Sekar Hasna Novaida has interned at BuddyKu MNC Group, PT. MNC Portal Media as a social media specialist. social media specialist.

In his report, The Chairman of Wartafest 2024 Muhammad Kurniawan, explained that the seminar aimed to inspire participants with knowledge and experience shared by the speakers.
Moreover, Muhammad Kurniawan said that the seminar can encourage participants with knowledge in the field of journalism. It is expected that they can understand more about proper journalistic techniques.
"On the other hand, the exhibition serves as a platform for Wartadinus members to express their creativity and journalistic skills. Additionally, all participants and general students can see the works of the writing, photography, videography, and design divisions," he concluded. (Udinus Public Relations/Haris. Photo: Doc. Wartadinus)