A Forum Group Discussion (FGD) was held by the Implementation Team of the Capacity Building of Student Organization Program (CBSO) of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), discussing the initial formulation of the integration of tour packages for the ‘Smart Tourism Headline‘ Program. The activity that gathered community groups and partners from the government was held on Sunday (22/07/2024).

The FGD which was initiated by the Student Executive Board locally known as BEM of the Computer Science Faculty (FIK), took place in Dung Kluruk, Tajuk Village, Getasan District—attended by 19 participants from representatives of the Youth, Sports, and Tourism Office (Disporapar) of Central Java.

The FGD session consisted of two series of activities that became the main topic of discussion—starting with the presentation of the progress of the ‘Smart Tourism Headline’ website delivered by the CBSO IT team.

"Our website contains detailed information about the potential of 11 hamlets, activity articles, heading processed products, and tour packages. Later visitors can access a selection of tour packages that display the price per person and the facilities they get," explained one of the members of the PPKO IT team, Candra Lukita Buana.

The Following is the material conveyed by Disporapar Tourism and Creative Economy Analyst, Gana Wuntu, S.E., M.Mpar., who shared her insights on the formulation of tour packages. According to Gana, these insights are one of the important requirements that must be carried out to realize an integrated tourist village.

"This is done to upscale the development of tourist villages that is not only related to the ticket but also involves the tour package as a whole. In this village, 11 hamlets have their uniqueness, it is an extraordinary potential to provide different and unique tours," said Gana.

Separately, the Head of Digital Cadres, Nur Aziz expressed his happiness and pride toward the program initiated by BEM FIK. According to him, this activity can provide inspiration and new ideas for the progress of the village as a tourist village.

Moreover, Gana stated “Through this program, we hope that it will continue to be carried out so that it can increase the positive impact for the community in the village. In addition, it also improves the living standard of human resources in the area so that they can increase income and create a prosperous society. (PR Udinus/Ika. Photo: Doc. BEM FIK)