Udinus Showcases 27 Innovations at the 2027 Central Java Fair to Inspire the Mass about the Combination of Technological and Cultural Sciences

Udinus Showcases 27 Innovations at the 2027 Central Java Fair to Inspire the Mass about the Combination of Technological and Cultural Sciences

Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) made an appearance at the 2024 Central Java Fair by showcasing 27 innovations from all six of its faculties. Those 27 innovations successfully attracted visitors to the fair, which was held in Bale Sindoro at the Leisure and Development Promotion Center (PRPP) of Central Java.

Among those 27 innovations, the most prominent ones were the Gamelan Robot, Si Warik, Roca-KU, the Soccer Robot, and VR AR Borobudur. These works are products of collaborations between students and faculties at Udinus, which are presented for public use.

Not only do these innovations offer advanced technological prowess, but also, they also indicate a large potential in various sectors, including arts, culture, and education.

For example, the Gamelan Robot combines both robotic technology and Indonesian traditional arts, allowing users to feel a unique experience by listening to Gamelan music automatically. Meanwhile, VR AR Borobudur guides the visitor to a virtual-interactive experience of traversing through the Temple of Borobudur, which is a novel concept.

The 2024 Central Java Fair was officially opened on Monday, July 29th, 2024 through an opening speech delivered by a Central Java Official, Police General Commissioner Drs. Nana Sudjana A.S., M.M. At the opening ceremony, Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom., (the Chancellor of Udinus) gave an utmost appreciation to Udinus for participating in the fair. Upon the ceremony, both the chancellor and the general commissioner board the Electric Pedicab of Udinus Campus (Becik-KU) to tour the venue and see all the stands within it.

The chancellor stated that the presence of these innovations was a form of contribution presented by Udinus to participate in one of the biggest events in Central Java. “Hopefully, we will be able to present these innovations we invented and developed properly, allowing the public to be more informed and educated,” he uttered.

According to the chancellor, the innovations were not only exclusively technological products but also a learning media for the public to use. “We would like to inform the public that these innovations are the embodiment of dedication and commitment poured in by our students and faculties. These are our tangible contributions in further developing the education and technological sectors in Indonesia,” Prof. Edi added.

The participation of Udinus at the 2024 Central Java Fair was not only a way for the campus to showcase its innovations but also a platform to introduce the young generation to technologies and innovations. By showing its best innovative works, the campus is expected to inspire visitors, particularly students.

This participation also aimed to push the young generation to take an interest in innovating and contributing to the technological advancements in Indonesia. Furthermore, a Central Java Official, Police General Commissioner Drs. Nana Sudjana A.S., M.M., appreciated the numerous innovations shown by Udinus at the booth.

During the interview, the general commissioner was amazed by the innovations created and developed by Udinus. According to the general commissioner, those innovations were among the most sensational ones, as students of Central Java could compete with students from other regions by creating robotic devices, including the Electric Pedicab, the Gamelan Robot, the Chess Robot, and many others.

“I would say that these innovations are generally positive, showing that students from Udinus can compete with students from other universities through their technological prowess,” emphasized the official.

Jateng Fair 2024 diharapkan menjadi wadah yang efektif untuk mempromosikan dan memperkenalkan berbagai potensi daerah, serta memperkuat kolaborasi antara institusi pendidikan, pemerintah, dan industri. Sebagai salah satu perguruan tinggi terkemuka di Jawa Tengah, Udinus menunjukkan komitmen kuatnya dalam mendukung pengembangan daerah melalui inovasi dan pendidikan berkualitas. .

Sebagai informasi, 5 booth yang merepresentasikan fakultas di Udinus akan tersedia selama tanggal 26 Juli – 11 Agustus 2024. Untuk seluruh pengunjung Jateng Fair yang mengunjungi booth Udinus berkesempatan mendapat voucher pendaftaran mahasiswa baru untuk melanjutkan studi di Udinus. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)