Education plays an important role in realizing the superior quality of human resources (HR) in a nation, one of which is through scholarships. Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) conducted a dissemination of the Education Grant Management Institute (EGMI) scholarship to provide a complete understanding to its students.

The event was attended by students, alumni, and even lecturers including the chairmen of various study programs at Udinus which took place on Friday (06/28/2024) in the auditorium of H building on the 7th floor of Udinus Semarang. The event initiated by Udinus Career Center (UCC) is called the ‘EGMI Scholarship for a Better Future'. The dissemination was given directly by the Director of EGMI Scholarship, Ir. Dwi Larso, MSIE., Ph.D.

In his presentation, Dwi Larso explained the qualification process that can be followed under the latest policy in 2024. Each participant can choose a different type of scholarship path such as affirmation, targeted, or priority scholarship. For the priority path, each participant will have 2 chances.

"These two chances can be interpreted when they do not pass the path after following the entire selection process, they will be diverted to the regular path when they're still eligible with the other conditions. Priority scholarships don't require participants to use a Letter of Acceptance (LoA)," he explained.

Dwi Larso also mentioned that this scholarship needs to keep existing. Because scholarships play a big role in providing opportunities for students to improve the quality of human resources in the future, this year's scholarship fund has also increased.

"In the last three years, there has been an increase in funds to 154,107 trillion. This endowment should not be tampered with and is only used to educate future generations at school," said Dwi Larso.

Optimizing EGMI Scholarship

As an additional information, stage 2 registration is available until July 18, 2024. This stage is available for priority and non-priority scholarships. The EGMI scholarship is issued by an endowment fund management institution to fund the scholarship. The institution is under the supervision of the Ministry of Finance (MoF).

The Vice-Chancellor I for Academic Affairs, Dr. Supriadi Rustad was also present to give a speech on that occasion. He encouraged Udinus' alumni and postgraduate students to optimize the EGMI scholarship schemes. Besides that, he also invited lecturers to study the scheme of the program to provide insights to their students.

"One of Udinus' goals is that all of our Post-Graduate programs will be accredited with excellent titles in the period of one to two years starting from now. We want to synchronize the criteria with those set by EGMI so that they can be eligible and more competitive. Although Udinus is a private university, if we are consistent in fighting for what we aspire to, the key to succeed is still widely open," he concluded. (PR Udinus/Ika. Photo: PR Udinus)