The local animated show entitled ‘Si Warik’ once again got a new episode, marking the fifth episode of the entire show. The episode, produced by Animation Students at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), tells the story of Si Warik defending people from the threat of an invisible being known as Buta Cakil.
In this new episode, Buta Cakil becomes a threat by possessing the body of a villager, causing panic in the entire village. Si Warik, Endog, and Dian worked together to save the village and face the evil fiend.
Uniquely, Si Warik also comes up with his new form by fusing with Endog to defeat Buta Cakil. It borrows a similar concept from superhero fiction, which is currently the most popular genre within the animation and cinematic industries.
The fifth episode of Si Warik is not only interesting in terms of story presentation but also in the production process as well. This is because the Animation Department at Udinus also involved 19 students from two different high schools.
Dr. Khafiizh Hastuti, M.Kom., the Head of the Animation Department at Udinus, explained that the involvement of these students was a tangible process of providing experience to these students before pursuing their careers.
“We wanted to push these students to experience how it feels to work in the animation industry by doing it from scratch all the way to become an animated work for public enjoyment,” Dr. Khafiizh uttered.
Golden Tickets
As a form of appreciation, Udinus gave these students four golden tickets for their dedicated efforts during the development of the fifth episode of Si Warik. The golden tickets can be claimed when they continue their studies in the Animation Department at Udinus. It was a discount coupon and a conversion for 12 credit units.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom., the Chancellor of Udinus, revealed that this appreciation aimed to motivate students to be more creative. The fact that the Animation Department has acquired the Excellent Accreditation proves that the department houses students with competency, allowing them to compete in the animation industry.
“We gave them these golden tickets to further motivate them to keep producing works and improving their talents. Si Warik, as one of our Intellectual property (IP), proves that our works were created here at Udinus,” Prof. Edi stated.
With the release of this new episode, Si Warik not only provides entertaining educative media but also provides a platform for young talented athletes to develop their talents.
As additional information, Si Warik is an animated show describing the embodiment of the local cultures of Semarang City, both from visual and audio viewpoints by using the Semarang dialect. In addition to its intriguing storyline, Si Warik is also expected to be a medium to introduce Semarang cultures to children from other regions in Indonesia and the world. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)