together with the Human Resource Development Association (PHRD) to strengthen the knowledge of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the HR environment. This was done through a national seminar entitled ‘Utilization of AI in the Era of Digital Transformation for Strengthening Human Resources', which was attended by 250 participants. 

The event, which was attended by participants from PHRD members as well as Bachelor and Master Students of Udinus, took place in the 3rd floor E building, on Saturday (08/24/2024). On that occasion, the collaboration was marked by the signing of a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between the two parties. 

Besides Udinus, the cooperation is also established between PHRD and Dinustek Ltd., as a technology development institution under the auspices of Udinus. The cooperation is expected to develop various applications to help HR work efficiency by utilizing AI. 

Officially, the activity was opened by the Vice-Chancellor II for General Affairs and Finance of Udinus, Dr. Guruh Fajar Shidik, S.Kom., M.Cs. In his speech, he emphasized the importance of technological adaptation in the development of Human Resources (HR). 

According to him, understanding the use of AI is very important to keep up with the fast growth of technology, including in the recruitment and employee development process. "This is done to prevent the replacement of HR by technology such as artificial intelligence (AI). We hope the HR sector can work whilst optimizing existing technology, as minimum as recognizing potential prospective employees with the help of AI," explained Dr. Guruh. 

The Chairman of PHRD, Agung Budiono Tri Harjanto, said that the HR selection process was not effective enough. He said that based on the ten people he interviewed, only one was seen to be competent while the other applicants still needed further training. 

“The use of AI in PHRD member companies is still limited and we want to enhance the company in the field of technological developments. It is hoped that through this cooperation, the selection process can be more effective through the application that will be developed," he added. 

The Head of Dinustek Udinus, Moch. Siddiq, S.Si., M.Kom., also responded that his party will be committed to developing an app that can assist the company. "The application is designed according to the needs of PHRD. Not only that, but we have discussed developing an application related to job vacancies as well," said Siddiq. 

AI as a Tool to Boost Human Potential

The seminar was also filled with material from two speakers, Heru Agus Santoso, Ph.D., who serves as the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Udinus, and Bima Hermastho, who serves as the Senior Consultant & CEO of Freemind Management Consulting, who provided insight into how AI can be integrated with HR strategies to improve company competitiveness.

In terms of academics, Heru Agus Santoso, Ph.D., conveyed more deeply related to the development of academic potential through research in the field of AI. According to him, AI will help prepare qualified human resources by involving them in research projects, to provide practical experience and deep learning. 

“Understanding AI will deepen expertise in the latest technologies, and be able to build a reputation for technology-based industry partnerships. This was proven by some works from students such as Electric Becak (Becik-KU), and also Chess Robots (Roca-KU), "he explained. 

Meanwhile, in terms of practitioners, Bima Hermastho explained material about understanding the potential of Chat-GPT in its function to improve HR efficiency and performance. He explained that AI can be used to identify and develop HR talent so that it can be right on target. 

“This technology can help us to identify talents more efficiently and accurately. Moreover, career planning will also be tailored to the potential of each HR. We don't need to be afraid of AI, cause it needs to be understood further so that it is not misused," he said. (Udinus Public Relation/Haris. Photo: PR Udinus)