Libraries hold the responsibility to improve the literacy rates of various audiences. As a campus library, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) does not only scope literacy within the campus but also the external matters encompassing the public and other institutions. 

To show this contribution, the Library Unit at Udinus (Dinuslib) launched a program named ‘Book Donation for a Public Reading Spot, Si Apin.’ The reading spot was officially established in Barusari, South Semarang, on Saturday, July 27th, 2024. 

As explained by the coordinator of this program, Patricia Ikaria R, S.Jum., M.A., the release of this program was attended by various members of Si Apin and locals consisting of 70 children and 20 housewives.

Furthermore, she explained that there was a series of events participated by the academic community and the locals, including storytelling, flash mobbing, and a milk-drinking campaign.

“There was a storytelling of a legend told by Citra, the leader of the youth organization of the 4th neighborhood in Barusari. Following that, a folktale was also told by Salsabilla Diana Putri, a Communication Science student at Udinus. Moreover, this program was held at the National Children’s Day,” she explained.

Through the launching of this program, Patricia stated that this was an effective way to attract attention from the academic community at Udinus and the locals to donate their books. This will eventually boost the publication of Si Apin, leading to many people donating their books to the reading spot. 

“In addition, this program also aims to raise support from various parties, including communities and corporations, to involve them in donating books,” she explained.

The Active Role of Dinuslib

The launching marked the beginning of book donations with the hope of raising the number of books at the Si Apin Reading Spot.

On that occasion, Aan Prabowo, S.Hum., M.A., the Head Librarian at Udinus, symbolically opened the book-donating program. During his opening speech, Aan emphasized that this step was taken as an active role of Udinus to support the reading culture, allowing the public to be aware of the importance of literacy. 

“With our resources, we expect to further give the public access to high-quality books. Hopefully, we will be able to garner a diverse and abundant collection of books at Si Apin,” she concluded.