Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus, particularly its Engineering Faculty, partnered with a government agency to implement the Regional Empowerment Program (PW). The program took place in a village known as Banyuanyar in Boyolali Regency. The empowerment program focused on the development of featured products within the region, namely coffee and milk.

The program was funded by the Research and Community Service Directorate (DRTPM) under the Ministry of Education, which also involved the Agricultural Service of Boyolali Regency. Recently, a dissemination took place between Udinus and the Sumber Widodo 1 Farmer’s Association (KTT), as well as Sumber Widodo 2 Farmer’s Association on Monday, July 29th, 2024. The dissemination was held at the Coffee Campus IKM Building, Banyuanyar Village, Ampel Sub-district, Boyolali Regency.

The Head Initiator, Prof. Kusmiyati, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., stated that the problems lay in animal waste management and the productivity of both milk and coffee. The animal waste was estimated to be 50 tons per day, and it was only a source of problems for public health, as it could inflict air pollution.

“Through these animal wastes, we can generate energy, as well as produce fertilizers, allowing economic improvement to occur. This is because we do not only reduce the pollution impacts but also improve the sustainability of cattle farms in Boyolali,” she explained.

“We also support the locals in expanding the market for their products by utilizing digital technology. This program aims to align the implementation of renewable energy to support local products, particularly milk and coffee,” said the professor in renewable energy.

Training for Locals

The dissemination focused on numerous agendas, including constructing a biodigester to convert animal wastes into electrical and gas energy, product designing, and digital marketing. The dissemination was attended by 40 locals, with the Regional Empowerment (PW) team from Udinus acting as speakers. The team included Prof. Kusmiyati, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., Ir. Sigit Muryanto, M.P., Dr. Mahmid, S.E., M.M., and Dr. Farrikh Al Zami, M.Kom.

Meanwhile, the training concerning coffee cultivation was overseen by Muhammad Busroni, S.Hut from the Agricultural Service of Boyolali. The training is expected to improve the skills and knowledge of the local farmers in maximizing the quality of their products, including milk, coffee, and fertilizer.

Ir. Joko Suhartono, M.Si., the Head of the Agricultural Service, was present and looked highly for this dissemination program. On that occasion, he also hoped for this initiative to not only improve the well-being of farmers and locals but also to make coffee and milk products from Banyuanyar Village more popular and well-received in the global market. 

The dissemination was also looked forward by Komarudin S.T., the Chief of Banyuanyar Village. He thanked numerous parties involved for their support of the program. “With more comprehensive infrastructural development and training, we hope for our village to serve as a good example of developing milk and coffee products, as well as improving the well-being of our population as a whole,” he concluded. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Dok. Pribadi)