Attempting to Strive for the Empowerment of Women in Facing Social Challenges, HMTI Builds Schools for Women Through PPK Ormawa

Attempting to Strive for the Empowerment of Women in Facing Social Challenges, HMTI Builds Schools for Women Through PPK Ormawa

PPK Ormawa (The Organization of Students Capacity Building) at the Informatics Engineering Student Association (HMTI) of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) presents innovative solutions to empower women to be more creative and entitled in Batursari Village. As part of this effort, the 15-member team has established a Creative Girls' School called Sekari.

The school is designed as a non-formal learning platform that aims to improve women's skills and creativity. The PPKO Organization's team was led by Muhammad Ivan Khoirur Rizky. They are guided by a lecturer of the Computer Science Faculty, Gustina Alfa T., M.Kom. Later, the 15 students from the HMTI Udinus team will run the program for 5 months.

Muhammad Ivan Khoirur Rizky, Head of the Implementation Team, explained that Sekari aims to provide access to skills education in Batursari Village. He stated that the school was designed to overcome the problem of women's lack of involvement in the village economy.

Lebih lanjut, ia menambahkan bahwa program tersebut dilengkapi dengan berbagai kegiatan, seperti edukasi kewirausahaan, pelatihan keterampilan, dan Gerakan 3R untuk mengelola sampah rumah tangga. “Kami menyediakan pelatihan dalam tiga aspek, hard skills, soft skills, and lifeskill, dengan tetap memanfaatkan teknologi informasi,” kata Ivan.

Selain menyediakan ruang belajar, Sekari juga menargetkan berbagai luaran, termasuk Buku Refleksi Ormawa, hingga mengembangkan Sekari Edu Academy (SEA) berbasis website. SEA merupakan platform penunjang pembelajaran sekolah perempuan yg dapat digunakan untuk pre test, mendownload materi dan post test.

"The SEA website will later assist the administrative management activity in the village. The application and the learning modules developed are expected to be useful tools in supporting Sekari activities," explained Ivan.

Impacts and Expectations

Meanwhile, the Associate Lecturer, Gustina Alfa T., M.Kom., has high expectations for the Sekari program. She also hopes that Sekari can be a significant first step in women's empowerment in Batursari Village.

According to him, this activity will increase the capacity of students in the Informatics Association or HMTI to carry out community empowerment programs. In running the application at PPKO, it is divided into four stages starting from preparation, implementation, evaluation, and sustainability.

“With the curriculum we put together, they can get knowledge that is applicable and relevant to the daily needs of residents. We want to ensure that this program runs effectively and continuously with regular evaluations to see the progress and impact of the program on the participants," said Gustina.

With the Sekari program, the PPK organization of the HMTI Team will have a positive impact on the community of Batursari Village, both in economic and social aspects. (Udinus Public Relation/Haris. Photo: Doc. PPKO HMTI)