Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) of Semarang and Kediri has officially inaugurated freshmen coming from every province in Indonesia in an annual event, the 2024 Dinus Inside. A symbolic inauguration was done to six students representing every faculty at Udinus, with the whole procession being led by Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom., (the Chancellor of Udinus).

At the event, lasting from September 9th to 11th, 3,657 students are being inaugurated. They came from 34 different provinces in Indonesia, with 15 students coming from other countries. Several of those freshmen are undergraduate students from various different countries, including France, the USA, and Japan. As for the postgraduate degree, there are also three freshmen from other countries, encompassing Nigeria, Afghanistan, and Yemen. In addition, there is also a doctoral student from Uganda.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom., (the Chancellor of Udinus) expressed his appreciation for the trust given by the public to Udinus. The chancellor hoped for the freshmen to participate in the whole procession with commitment and passion.

“This shows that our campus is an excellent institution trusted by the general public. Let us keep maintaining this trust, so Udinus can be a prime choice in terms of higher education,” the chancellor explained.

Udinus is also known for its Excellent accreditation. Out of all 32 departments at Udinus, 82 percent of them have already been accredited as ‘Excellent.’ These accreditations allow the campus to be regarded as one of the best universities in Central Java.

After the inauguration, they also collectively went to the streets, not to protest, but to show their pride for being officially inaugurated as students at Udinus. They walked to the route prepared by the organizers, consisting of the G Building at Udinus – Pemuda St.- Piere Tendean St.- Imam Bonjol St.- and back to the G Building.

Instilling Students with Morality

The 2024 Dinus Inside was held at the courtyard of the G Building at Udinus, with all vice-chancellors attending it. Those chancellors were Prof. Dr. Supriadi Rustad (the Vice Chancellor I of Academic Affairs), Dr. Guruh Fajar Shidik, (the Vice Chancellor II of General and Financial Affairs), Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M., (the Vice Chancellor III of Student Affairs) and Prof. Dr. Pulung Nurtantio Andono, S.T., M.Kom., (the Vice Chancellor IV of Research and Partnership Affairs).

Dr. Kusni Ingish, M.M., (the Vice Chancellor III of Student Affairs) emphasized that the 2024 Dinus Inside went with a communicative and humanistic atmosphere. This student orientation event aimed to introduce freshmen to the new environment on campus, academic procedures, and administrative matters, as well as activity units both on faculty and university levels.

“At the 2024 Dinus Inside, we will also conduct conservatory activity by planting 4,500 mangroves, planting trees around the campus, social service, and spreading 20,000 fish seeds in Jatibarang reservoir,” she explained.

Dr. Kusni Ingsih also welcomed all freshmen. In addition, she also encouraged students to create a pleasant atmosphere on campus.

“I hereby welcome all of you to our campus. Hopefully, the 2024 Dinus Inside will be able to shape you to be individuals with professionality, morality, and integrity,” she added.

Moreover, all deans of the faculties at Udinus also made an appearance and symbolically inaugurated six students representing every faculty. Those six freshmen wore the campus official blazers, marking their new status as students and a part of the academic community at Udinus. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)