The Health Science Faculty at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) held Showcasing Health Influencers’ New Era (SHINE) on the third day of the 2024 Dinus Inside. The event took place in the courtyard of the J building at Udinus on Wednesday, September 11th, 2024.

Asti Putri Kirana, the Governor of the Student Executive Board at Udinus, revealed that this event aimed to give a platform for the freshmen of the Health Science Faculty to showcase their non-academic and academic talents.

Hopefully, this SHINE event can make students more confident in showing their hidden talents. This event also helps instructors in determining their skill-skill , as well as opening an opportunity for students to participate in various competitions,” she explained.

The talent selection was done by overseeing the freshmen’s Instagram account and their uploaded content. Then, the committee would choose the top ten to be shown on stage. The content would later be assessed by judges consisting of faculty members within the Health Science Faculty, including Ika Pantiawati, S.SiT., M.Kes., and Ratih Pramitasari, S.KM., M.PH.

One of the freshmen, Najwa Ustuvia Az-Zahra, a student majoring in Public Health, uploaded a video of her performing a dance entitled ‘Aduh Manis.’ She stated that she had been pursuing her dancing talent since she was a third grader. Before this, she was also among the contenders for the 2024 Dinus Festival, in which she achieved fourth place.

Devina Yumna, a freshman majoring in Environmental Health, also captivated the audience with her video of her playing a song entitled ‘Ibu Kita Kartini’ with her violin. Devina said that she had been playing the violin since she was in middle school through a violin club in her school.

“This is truly an unforgettable experience for me to be able to show my talent in front of everyone. This is also my earliest contribution as a part of Udinus,” she concluded. (WTDN/Dinar. Foto: WTDN/Dinar)