The Health Science Faculty at Udinus Encourages Students to Learn the Importance of Climate, Environmental, and Mental Health

The Health Science Faculty at Udinus Encourages Students to Learn the Importance of Climate, Environmental, and Mental Health

The Health Science Faculty at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) encouraged its new students to raise their awareness concerning health, not only from physical and mental aspects but also from climate and environmental aspects. This event was held in the form of a public lecture, which is a part of the 2024 Dinus Inside of the faculty session on Tuesday, September 10th, 2024.

The public lecture took place at the Basketball Courtyard at Udinus, with 363 new students of the Health Science Faculty participating in it. Employing the theme of ‘Stand for Health, Human, and Environment,’ the event featured two expert speakers.

Prof. Dr. Sc. Anindya Wirasatriya, S.T., M.Si., M.Sf., from Universitas Diponegoro, was the first speaker. In the lecture, she mainly discussed climate and environmental health issues. She emphasized that climate change was not only a future threat, but it had also impacted our daily lives.

“Climate change has made our planet increase its temperature, with an increase projection of 1.5 °C by 2050. Adaptation is the key to managing this risk, starting with understanding the local risks and planning a way to face them,” Prof. Anindya revealed.

Meanwhile, Tan Laurencia Yosita, S.Si., M.Psi., a psychologist, encouraged the freshmen to be more aware of their mental health. She emphasized that mentally well students were those with the capability of utilizing their latent potential, resolving problems, and being productive in their daily lives.

“Applying life balance is also important, especially for those who are still adapting to their lives as university students. The life balance itself refers to understanding the system, getting to know a new environment, building a social network, and maintaining one’s mental health,” Tan Laurencia explained.

The public lecture was a part of the 2024 Dinus Inside. As a whole, there are a total of 3,657 freshmen at Udinus, coming from different provinces in Indonesia. In addition to domestic students, there are also new students from different countries participating in the 2024 Dinus Inside.

Chrismanuel Andros Trihaedinata, the Person in Charge of this public lecture, emphasized that the event aimed to raise awareness among students concerning the importance of understanding health as a whole.

“Hopefully, through this public lecture, new students can understand the currently-happening environmental condition and climate change, as well as maintain their mental health amidst this dynamicity of campus life,” Chrismanuel uttered.

With this public lecture, the Health Science Faculty at Udinus is not only committed to producing competent workforces within the Health Sector, but also a whole new generation that is caring toward climate, environment, and mental health. (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: WTDN)