Students of the Medicine Faculty at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) were taught the concept of utilizing Information Technology (IT) at a public lecture. The public lecture, hosted on Tuesday, September 17th, 2024, aimed to provide students a new perspective to start innovating in the medical sector.

The public lecture featured Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom., the Chancellor of Udinus. During his opening speech, he explained that the role of Information Technology within the medical sector became more apparent gradually and significantly.

“The Medicine Faculty must collaborate with other faculties or sectors, including computer science and engineering to open the opportunity to create useful innovations. These innovations would be expected to contribute to the advancements of the medical field in Indonesia,” he uttered.

Meanwhile, Dr. dr. Hendriani Selina, SpA(K), the Dean of the Medicine Faculty at Udinus, stated that the public lecture was an opportunity for students to further expand their knowledge. Students are expected to implement this knowledge to its fullest extent.

“The knowledge provided by the chancellor was truly important, as it gives students a whole new viewpoint. Through this public lecture, students are expected to come up with innovative ideas relating to the medical sector,” Dr. Hendriani uttered.

On that occasion, several prominent figures were also present to accompany the chancellor, including the deans and faculty members from both Computer Science Faculty and the Engineering Faculty.

The Importance of Information Technology in the Medical Sector

At the public lecture, Prof. Edi, or the chancellor explained several positives of implementing Information Technology in the Medical Sector through a topic discussion entitled ‘Introduction to Information Technology in the Medical Sector.’ In addition, Information Technology also helps develop diagnosing devices and clinical decision-supporting systems, which provide recommendations per the newest medical data.

Prof. Edi also added that this technology is useful for analyzing big data big data in medical research. It allows researchers to find new patterns and develop better medication methods.

“Information Technology plays an important part in medical research, especially in the current era of technological advancements. With technology and collaborations, further research will find new patterns and develop innovations in the medical sector,” added the professor majoring in Technopreneurship.

On that occasion, the chancellor also introduced one of many innovations invented by faculty members and students at Udinus, namely, an app named OncoDoc. This app is designed to help early detection of cancer by analyzing a series of symptoms felt by the patients through an IT-based system.

“Even though it does not offer final diagnosis, OncoDoc can early-detect a cancer risk, thus the patient can immediately get help from medical professionals if needed,” Prof. Edi explained.

The app proves that Udinus has contributed to the medical sector by integrating medical aspects with Information Technology (IT). It also serves as a good example to the students of the Medicine Faculty of what a collaboration between the medical sector and information should be.

Through the public lecture, students of the Medicine Faculty were encouraged to be more active in creating IT-based innovations in the medical sector. These innovations are also expected to serve their purpose in the future.