At Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), an inauguration concluded the three-day student orientation event. The inauguration showcased art performances from 10 Student Activity Units and Communities at Udinus, with all 3,675 new students witnessing the event on Wednesday, September 11th, 2024.

The performances, concluding the 2024 Dinus Inside, opened with a Denok Deblong dance performance from the e-Gamelanku Community. Following that, the Taekwondo Unit and the Christian Student Association also took their turn to showcase their talents.

At the end of the inauguration, all freshmen were seen enjoying the event enthusiastically, as most of them danced to the excitement of the event.

Dr. Rindra Yusianto, S.Kom., M.T., the Coordinator of the 2024 Dinus Inside, stated that the art performances were hosted on the last day to entertain the freshmen. This is because previously, the new students had participated in the student orientation for three days straight.

“The concept of today’s inauguration is from Udinus, by Udinus, to Udinus. We showed our new students the local products of our campus as a way to entertain them and give them more ideas concerning works created by our Student Activity Units,” he uttered.

The event also showcased other forms of entertainment, including a marching formation from the Flag Raising Community at Udinus, and Syiarkustik from the Matholi’ul Anwar Islamic Unit. Furthermore, the Gita Dian Nuswa Choir Group also presented two songs at the inauguration, including Montor-montor Cilik and Gado-Gado Semarang.

At the event, a performance delivered by the Aldakawanaseta Unit also attracted the entire audience by climbing down the G Building from the third floor. The entire inauguration ended with entertaining stage acts from the Music Unit and the Dance From Udinus Club (DFU).

On the same occasion, Dr. Kusni Ingsih, the Vice Chancellor III of Student Affairs, congratulated the freshmen for officially joining Udinus. In a week, these new students will begin their studies on campus.

“Today, the 2024 Dinus Inside officially ends, let us maintain our health to conduct activities on campus properly. Once again, I shall congratulate you for becoming a part of us,” she concluded.

In addition to art performances delivered by Student Activity Units and the Community at Udinus, the campus also featured a musician from the capital on the same night, namely Anji. At the Dinus Night Festival, students were captivated by a musical concert presented by Anji. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Humas Udinus)