The Work Performance Information Systems of Student Affairs Management (Simkatmawa) at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) successfully achieved excellent accreditation in 2024. This accreditation ranking is conducted once every year and assessed based on various activities relating to students hosted by the campus. This is indeed an accomplishment compared to the 2021 one, in which the campus was granted the Very Good accreditation.
Simkatmawa itself is a benchmark for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology and all universities in Indonesia in reporting their work performances. The accreditation is per the decree issued by the Ministry of Education No. 5315/E2/DT.01.01/2024.
The Simkatmawa Assessment comprises several criteria, including accomplishment achieved by the institution, The Independent Campus Program (MBKM), recognition, and the institutional system. To earn the Excellent accreditation, a university needs to possess an accumulated point of 1,014.7.
At the assessment, Udinus belonged to League 2 as the number of students at Udinus qualified for this league, competing with other 4,000 universities.
Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M., the Vice Chancellor III of Student Affairs, explained that for the past year, Udinus had hosted more than a thousand events relating to student activities on several levels, including regional, national, and international. The Student Affairs Bureau also ensured that the assessment went well according to the policies enacted by the government.
“With this astounding achievement, we will always be committed to keeping up and improving our Simkatmawa rank for the years to come. Furthermore, we will also constantly evaluate the results to strive for better and optimal results, as well as provide our best support to students,” Dr. Kusni uttered.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom., the Chancellor of Udinus, expressed his pride in this Excellent accreditation. He emphasized that the accreditation was the product of powerful synergies among the academic community.
“We hereby express our gratitude to all student coordinators in all faculties, as well as 79 student organizations at Udinus. This accomplishment serves as a benchmark for us to keep improving our accomplishments portfolios and events relating to students in the future,” Prof. Edi revealed.
With this accomplishment, Udinus is optimistically committed to innovating and earning more and better accomplishments within the student affairs sector for the years to come. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Ilustrasi: Humas Udinus)