Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) once again hosted an international seminar entitled the International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (Isemantic). This seminar is a platform for researchers from various countries to share knowledge and ideas in the Information Technology and Communication Sectors.
With the theme of ‘Smart and Emerging Technology for Better Life,’ the seminar attracted the attention of numerous academicians and professionals, with a total of 200 proposed papers. The seminar was hosted from September 21st to 22nd, 2024. Out of all those papers, a total of 97 papers were accepted and published, with an acceptance rate of 48%.
The participants would present their research in various parallel sessions. Speakers from various countries were also present to provide their ideas, including India, Malaysia, Iraq, Japan, and the USA. Prof. Dr. Susilo., M.S., the Head of the Committee of the 2024 Isemantic, added that the accepted papers would be inputted to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), which is internationally indexed.
“Isemantic serves as a way for students, professionals, and researchers to meet within a forum. The seminar itself discusses the results of the paper, which has fulfilled very strict criteria,” Prof. Susilo stated.
During the selection session, the paper must fulfill strict requirements, including originality, novelty, unpublished, and written in English. “Every paper will be handed through a series of selection processes and reviewed. After that, the paper will be published through the IEEE,” Prof. Susilo uttered.
Prof. Dr. Pulung Nurtantio Andono, S.T., the Vice Chancellor IV of Research and Partnership Affairs at Udinus, expressed his gratitude to all speakers and participants from various countries for presenting their works at the 2024 Isemantic.
“Isemantic is a forum where experts from various countries meet to share their knowledge and ideas with one another. Moreover, this seminar can also be a crucial foundation in developing technology-based businesses,” Prof. Dr. Pulung uttered.
The 2024 Isemantic Appreciation
This seminar also featured four speakers of different expertise. Those speakers were Dean Sharafi (a Strategic Advisor – Energy Transition at the Australian Energy Market Operator), Celia Shahnaz (the IEEE WIE Committee Chair-Elect), Prof. Sarjiya, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., from Universitas Gajah Mada, and Dr. Muljono, S.Si., M.Kom., from Universitas Dian Nuswantoro.
According to Prof. Ir. A.N. Afandi, IPM, ST, MT, MIAEng, SMIEEE, Ph.D., —a Representative from the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES), the Isemantic seminar became more and more competitive each year. Despite having the main focus in the field of Informatics and Engineering, Isemantic has expanded its reach to other fields, namely, medical. This allows the seminar to impact a variety of fields of study at once.
“The competitive nature in selecting the papers shows that Isemantic becomes gradually popular among academicians and contributes to the technological sector greatly,” he emphasized.